Dissociative, Schizophrenia and Personality Disorders Module 29
I. Dissociative Disorders Dissociative Disorders – Sense of self has become separated from previous memories, thoughts or feelings.
I. Dissociative Disorders Dissociative Amnesia – Memory loss in reaction to a traumatic event. Most frequent cause – Serious personal threat Labeled repression by Freud Dissociative Fugue – Loss of identity accompanied by travel to a new location.
I. Dissociative Disorders Dissociative Identity Disorder – Controversial disorder where a person is said to exhibit two or more distinct and alternating personalities. Was Multiple Personality Disorder Sub-personalities can differ in age, sex and self-perception of physical characteristics. Diagnosed cases have increased dramatically since the 1970’s (coincidentally around the time Sybil was first released).
II. Somatoform Disorders Somatoform Disorders – Disorder in which physical problems occur for psychological reasons.
II. Somatoform Disorders Hypochondriasis – A disorder characterized by imagined symptoms of illness. (Pretending to be sick does not qualify) Conversion Disorder – The change of a psychological factor (typically anxiety) into an actual loss of physical functions.
III. Schizophrenia
III. Schizophrenia Disorders Schizophrenia – Family of related disorders involving disorganized and delusional thinking, disturbed perceptions and inappropriate emotions and behaviors. A split from reality, not a division of personality. Occurs in about 1% of the population. It affects men and women equally. It occurs around the world at about the same rate. Usually develops in late teens or early 20’s.
III. Schizophrenia Symptoms of Schizophrenia Delusions – A false belief with no logical basis Delusions of grandeur – Belief that you are more important than you really are. Delusions of persecution – Belief that people are out to get you. Delusions of sin or guilt – False beliefs of being responsible for some misfortune (ex. Responsible for plane crash due to not brushing teeth) Delusions of influence – False beliefs of being controlled by outside forces (“The devil made me do it”) Hallucinations – A false perception with no outside stimulation (most often auditory) Inappropriate emotions or behaviors
III. Schizophrenia Types of Schizophrenia Paranoid Schizophrenia – Delusions of persecution and grandeur (some hallucinations support the delusions) Catatonic Schizophrenia – Excitement and stupor phases. Disorganized Schizophrenia – Bizarre behavior, delusions and hallucinations. Undifferentiated Schizophrenia – Symptoms that don’t clearly fit one of the other types.
III. Schizophrenia Causes Biological Factors (Nature) Genetics – Produces a predisposition to the disorder Brain Structure – Smaller amounts of brain tissue and larger fluid filed space around that tissue (smaller thalamus). Brain Function – Brain operates differently and six times more dopamine in a brain of a schizophrenic. Prenatal Viruses – Viral infection during the middle of pregnancy. Psychological Factors (Nurture) Stress Disturbed family communications (Can’t tell if they are a cause or a result of the disorder.)
IV. Personality Disorders Personality Disorders – Lasting, rigid patterns of behavior that seriously impair ones social functioning.
IV. Personality Disorders Related to Anxiety Avoidant Personality Disorder Dependent Personality Disorder Odd or Eccentric Behaviors Paranoid Personality Disorder (deep distrust) Schizoid Personality Disorder (detached from social relationships)
IV. Personality Disorder Dramatic or Impulsive Behaviors Borderline Personality Disorder (unstable) Anti-Social Personality Disorder – A person (usually male) shows a lack of conscience for wrong-doing and a lack of respect for the rights of others. A.K.A. Psychopath or sociopath Caused by a combination of biological, psychological and social factors. Very difficult to treat effectively