Early Greece
Terms—Early Greece Minoan Crete (2000 – 1400 BC) Linear A Knossos Mycenae (1400 – 1125 BC) Trojan War (1240 – 1230 BC) Homer, The Illiad Agamemnon, Menelaus Paris, Prince of Troy Helen Polis Hoplite Phalanx
Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece
The Influence of Geography The Mediterranean Sea and a mild climate; many Greeks became traders, colonists, and pirates; hence a cosmopolitan people; irregular coast and interior influenced the development of fiercely independent city states
Agora (Marketplace)
Minoan Crete
Knossos (Reproduction of Palace)
Remains of Palace at Knossos
Throne Room
Minoan Bull’s Head
Minoan Frescoes
Favorite Sport—Bull Jumping
Bull Jumping
Linear A
Homer, the Blind Poet
Mycenae and Troy
City of Troy
Trojan Horse
Trojan Horse
Henrich Schliemann—The “Father of Archeology”
Schliemann’s Discovery of Mycenae
Mycenaean Lion’s Gate
Agamemnon’s Death Mask
An Aerial View of Troy Today
Excavation at Troy
Nine Layers of Troy
Treasures of Troy
Minoan Art
Minoan Art
Mycenaean Art
Mycenaean Art
Mycenaean Art
Mycenaean Swords
Reproduction of Mycenaean Palace
Mycenaean Fortifications
Linear B
Greek Timeline
Greek Dark Ages (c. 1100 – 750 BC) Regression Loss of Literacy Return to the Land
Archaic Age (750 – 500 BC) Greek Literacy--Alphabet
Archaic Age Rise of the polis Greek city-state Independent of one another One identified self with polis
Archaic Age Hoplite—Soldier
Hoplites in Battle
Hoplite Phalanx
Hoplite Phalanx--Formation
The Persian Wars