Nervous System overview Department of Biology, WCU
Introduction Control and communication Functions Sensory (skin, temperature, pressure) Process and interpret (brain) Motor response (muscles, glands)
Organization CNS (brain, spinal cord) PNS (everything else) PNS Sensory (afferent) somatic fibers visceral fibers
Organization PNS ANS Motor (efferent) Sympathetic Parasympathetic SNS (voluntary) ANS (involuntary) ANS Sympathetic Parasympathetic
The neuron Structural unit Characteristics 1. Longevity 2. Cannot divide 3. High metabolic rate
Neuron structure Cell body Cell processes Nucleus (no centrioles) Cytoplasm with ribosomes and ER Cell processes cytoplasmic extensions
Neuron structure Processes 1. Dendrites 2. Axons receive information signals toward cell body 2. Axons vary in length impulses to next neuron
Impulse conduction Order of events Neuron etc. dendrite, cell body, axon, synapse
Neural processing 1. Serial “all or nothing” manner end-to-end e.g. quick reflex reflex arc
Neural processing 2. Parallel input from different pathways simultaneous processing e.g. baking a cake