Nucleosynthesis by the Radioactive Isotope Beam and Origin of Matter (Nuclear Abundance) Myung-Ki Cheoun Department of Physics, Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea K.S.Kim, E. Ha, W.Y.So, S.Y. Lee, C. Ryu… T.Kajino, T.Yoshida, T.Yasudake, K. Nakamura T. Nishimura, T.Maruyama.. (NAO of Japan) F.Simkovic, A.Faessler.. (Tuebingen)
Contents 0. Motivation in Nuclear Abundance Brief Introduction of Nuclear Structure (by QRPA and Deformed QRPA) 2. Neutrino process for the origin of a proton-nucleus for 138Ce,136Ce and 180W 3. Results and Summary 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
Motivation 1 Understanding of origin of matter in the universe is strongly related with the evolution of stars, in which most of nuclei are believed to be synthesized and emitted by various explosion mechanisms at their last stages. The nucleosynthesis is sensitive on the given conditions of the site, such as preceding matter, temperature, masses of stars and so on, as well as Galaxy Chemical Evolution and Cosmic Ray. 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
Motivation 2 Since nuclear reactions relevant to the processes are presumed as thermally balanced, the nuclei unstable at the present time and their structure can play important roles in the nucleosynthesis. Radioactive isotope beam facility could produce the exotic unstable nuclei and investigate their key reactions on the ground, so that it could give invaluable microscopic understanding of the origin of matter complementary to the observational astronomical data. 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
Motivation 3 In this talk we present a few examples of origin of matter with results available from astronomical observational, experimental and theoretical data. 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
Nucleosynthesis of Solar System (Solar Abundance) and other stars 2019-04-25 Chondrites are stony meteorites that have not been modified due to melting or differentiation of the parent body Changwon, KPS 2009
Solar system Supernovae Model BIG-BANG STARS COSMIC-RAYS SUPERNOVAE ? R-PROCESS AGB STARS S-PROCESS R S(N=50) R S(N=82) S(N=126) R Actinide COSMIC-RAYS ++ + 232Th (14.05Gy) P 238U (4.47 Gy) 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009 SPERNOVA-g PROCESS ?
Universality and Anomaly !! 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
Mechanism of Super Nova Explosion Within a massive, evolved star (a) the onion-layered shells of elements undergo fusion, forming an iron core (b) that reaches Chandrasekhar-mass and starts to collapse. The inner part of the core is compressed into neutrons (c), causing infalling material to bounce (d) and form an outward-propagating shock front (red). The shock starts to stall (e), but it is reinvigorated by neutrino interaction. The surrounding material is blasted away (f), leaving only a degenerate remnant. 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
SUPERNOVA R-PROCESS t = 0 Neutrino-driven wind forms Pb ○ SUPERNOVA R-PROCESS Otsuki, Tagoshi, Kajino & Wanajo 2000, ApJ 533, 424 Wanajo, Kajino, Mathews & Otsuki 2001, ApJ 554, 578 Z Fe ○ N t = 0 Neutrino-driven wind forms right after SN core collapse. n + p n + a t = 18 ms Seeds form. Exotic neutron-rich 78Ni t = 568 ms – 1 s Heavy r-elements synthesize. Pb208 ○ Fe56 ○ Ni78 Pb ○ Fe ○ 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
Origin of Proton-nuclei 138La and 180Ta show an anomaly !! 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
Origin of P-nucleus Hayakawa, PRL, 2004 Neutrino-process could be important !! Hayakawa, PRL, 2004 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
Nuclear Structures and relevant reactions (neutrino process) 139La(ν,ν'n)138La N=82, Magic Number 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
How to understand exotic nuclear structure and How to pin down the ambiguities from the structure? 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
Typical cross section by incident neutrino and electron Giant Resonance Delta Resonance Quasi Elastic Region Hadronic Region energy N* Resonance Dip Region Discrete Excited states Pion Threshold q Typical cross section by incident neutrino and electron 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
How to describe the ground and excited states ? ν’(l) Indirect (Two-step) Processes ν W(+,-), Z0 p,n,… A* A B How to describe the ground and excited states ? J ∏ A* A 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009 B
Results : Neutrino Inclusive Reactions for 138Ba via CC and139La via NC 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
Key Reactions for 138La : Neutral Current 139La(ν,ν'n)138La These excited states are of importance for this reaction. This state is populated in SNe of T9=1-3. The population ratio is calculated by T. E. N=82, Magic Number 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009 By Dr. Hayakawa
2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
Can reproduce experimental (GT) by quenching !! (5.56,3.15) (3.88,4.5) 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
Dominated by 1+ ?? !! 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
Our QRPA can reproduce exp. Data !! 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
Summary and Remarks Astronomical Observational data with meteorite analysis show nuclear abundances in solar and other stars, which show a universality. Origins for part of them are not clear still. As an example, origin of 138La and Ta180 leading to the proton-nucleus 180W and 136Ce are studied by their relevant nuclear reactions, in specific, neutrino reactions are detailed by experiments and theoretical calculations. Network calculations are in progress. 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
Origins of matter (nuclear abundances) Exotic Nuclear Structure RI beam experimental data Exotic Nuclear Structure Calculations Astronomical Observational data 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009
Special thanks to the O.C. for pioneering symposium In this KPS !! 감사합니다 !! 2019-04-25 Changwon, KPS 2009