Chapter 4: The Nile Valley Page 119: A Source of Religion Chapter 4: The Nile Valley
How did nature affect Egyptians’ religious beliefs? Essential Question: How did nature affect Egyptians’ religious beliefs?
Standards 6.5.spi.11. identify characteristics including economy, social relations, religion, and political authority of various societies (i.e., Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek City-States, Roman Empire, Indian, Medieval).
Egyptians believed in many different deities A source of religion Egyptians believed in many different deities Deities = “gods”
Used stories about gods to try to explain why acts of nature happened A source of religion Used stories about gods to try to explain why acts of nature happened Flooding Drought Etc.
Re (or Ra) among most important A source of religion Re (or Ra) among most important Sun god Believed he was born each day & died each night
A source of religion
Egyptian settlements also had special god in addition to Re. A source of religion Egyptian settlements also had special god in addition to Re. Memphis: Ptah (arts) Hermopolis: Thoth (wisdon & writing)
A source of religion
A source of religion Sky-god Horus
Most Egyptians believed in afterlife Afterlife = “life after death”
Most Egyptians believed in afterlife Afterlife = “life after death”
By 1500 B.C. Egyptian prayers collected into Book of the Dead Afterlife By 1500 B.C. Egyptian prayers collected into Book of the Dead Placed in tombs of those who had died Guide for the dead
Afterlife Ancient Egyptians believed they would need their bodies in the afterlife
Learned how to preserve the bodies: mummies Took about 70 days Afterlife Learned how to preserve the bodies: mummies Took about 70 days
How did nature affect Egyptians’ religious beliefs? Essential Question: How did nature affect Egyptians’ religious beliefs?