Unit 2: Cryptography & Cryptographic Algorithm -For BIM (5th Sem, CSCL)
Cryptography: Introduction Greek word: Hidden Secret Study differs now and past past : encryption and decryption now: past + digital signature + authentication + key mgmt + cryptanalysis The art or science encompassing the principles and methods of transforming an intelligible message into one that is unintelligible, and then retransforming that message back to its original form
Some terms Plain text Cypher text: Key Encryption Decryption Cypher Cryptoanalysis Attack
Cryptography: Formal Definition - is a 5-tuple (E, D, M, K, C) Encryption: E:M X KC AKA enciphering function Decryption: D:C X K P AKA deciphering function
Attack Process to reveal cipher text with key (or even reveal key) Types: Cipher Text Only Known Plain text Chosen Plain text Good Cryptosystem protects against all these attacks
Types: Symmetric Vs Asymetric Stream Vs Block Private key vs Public key Transposition vs Substitution
Some Classical cryptosystem Substitution Cipher Transpostion Cipher Caesar Cipher Vigenere Cipher Vernam Cipher One Pad
Modern Crypto-system DES RSA Message Digest Hash Function MAC