HSE LEARNING INCIDENT: A 3T twin-cab crew truck (Canter) belonging to Galfar was hit by a third party 25-seater light bus on the Salalah highway, when the canter was turning left toward Qarn Alam off the highway. CAUSES: A third party driver attempted to overtake from the left hand lane at the Junction. Tail gating; speeding, not wearing seat belts; overtaking over chevron strips LEARNINGS: Highlight the risk of speeding third party vehicles in PDO concession areas. Adhere to SJM Plan instructions and keep in touch with your SJ Manager before you do any alteration or move in the plan. Key Learning: Third party drivers are not subject to PDO road safety standards, Use your DD techniques. Don’t Assume the road is empty/safe, double check both directions before you cross. RTA Use this Alert: Discuss in Tool Box Talks and HSE Meetings Distribute to contractors Post on HSE Notice Boards Include in site HSE Induction Contact: MSE511 for further information or visit the HSE Website Alert No 93 August, 2012