Grocery Store Outline csc242 – web programming
Home Home Page (look at HomePage.JPG) Contains primary links Uniform among pages Suggestion: use table or DIV based header/footer
Create Account Create an account in the grocerystore DB Look at Login.JPG This is a “fake” account for the Grocery Store! Not the same as your DB login account! Collect and verify user information Use SQL command to create (insert) the account in the DB This should include a password for the user to login with! The account information is stored in the Customers table in the DB
Login User must login to their grocerystore account to make a purchase Look at Login.JPG Use SQL to query the Customers table in DB for a matching email and password If a match is found Create a new session – store the customer name and ID in the session This is how you will tell if they are logged in! Display a post-login page or message to indicate a successful login (PostLogin.JPG) If no match output a message directing them to create an account And close any existing session!
Browser Browse (Browse.JPG) Enable browsing by product category or by pattern search You are free to implement this as you wish Just be sure to have both capabilities available Use SQL commands to access product information from the Products and Categories tables Display results together with a capability to add items to a shopping cart
Adding Products Browser result will be: list of products A capability to add products to the shopping cart See AddToOrder.JPG User can enter quantities for purchase Only if logged in! If not, issue a message directing them to the login page After entering products, send them to the shopping cart
Shopping Cart View the shopping cart prior to a purchase Items can be removed Items can be added (via the browser results) Include tax and S&H ShowCart.JPG Shopping Cart must be maintained in session variables! Not in the database!
Checkout On Checkout Use the customer ID to create/access an order Create the order in the Orders table Leave the date empty (NULL) at this point OrderID will automatically increment (so it will be unique) OR access an existing one Look for an order matching the customer ID and a NULL date Add the products in the session cart to the OrderDetails table Use the OrderID just created/found (to link those products to this order) CheckOut.JPG
Order Confirmation Find the matching order in the Orders table By customer ID and NULL date Update the final tax, S&H Add the date – (so now the order will be finalized) FinalOrder.JPG
Order history View Customer order history List all orders for the user’s CustomerID in Orders MyOrders.JPG Capabilty to select and view a past order Display an order by OrderID in Orders List all products matching that OrderID in OrderDetails ShowOrder.JPG