Special Considerations in Athletics
Environmental Effects Environmental conditions can have a negative effect on athletic performance.
Temperature/Humidity and Training 80-90° F (<70% humidity) Carefully observe athletes with special weight considerations 80-90° F (≥70% humidity) Athletes should rest and drink water (10 min. per hr.) frequently 90-100° F (<70% humidity) Same as above; change clothing when wet, carefully observe for heat-related illness.
Temperature/Humidity and Training (cont.) 90-100°F (≥70% humidity) or over 100°F Discontinue or shorten practice or move to a climate-controlled location such as a gym Change to cooler clothing if possible Rest and drink water 10 min. per hour Change wet clothing Carefully observe athletes for signs of heat-related illness
Heat-Related Injuries Sunburn Heat cramps Heat syncope (fainting) Heat exhaustion (heat illness) Heatstroke (Body temp past 104ºF)
Cold-Related Injuries Cold stress Hypothermia Frostbite
Skin Conditions Acne mechanica Plantar warts Herpes gladiatorum Fungal infections Blisters Abrasions Jogger’s nipples
Diabetes A disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin Type 1 diabetes – the body fails to produce insulin Type 2 diabetes – the body produces too much or too little insulin
Diabetic Emergencies Insulin reaction occurs when there is too much insulin in the body. hypoglycemia Diabetic coma occurs when there is too much sugar (hyperglycemia) or too little insulin in the body.
Seizure Disorders A disruption in normal brain activity There are several different types of seizures: Simple partial seizure Generalized tonic-clonic seizure