Thursday, April 25, 2019 Objective: YWBAT identify the planets based on their composition; terrestrial or gaseous. Drill: List characteristics of planets that are farther from the sun. Homework Study WOW
Answer Planets farther from the sun tend to: Be spaced farther apart Be larger in size Have a large number of moons Have longer periods of revolution Have lower surface temperatures
Did you know…? The solar system has two main bodies – the sun and Jupiter. In terms of mass, the rest of the solar system is insignificant. Jupiter has one- thousandth the mass of the sun but is roughly 317 times more massive than Earth, and Jupiter’s volume is 1321 times that of Earth.
Today’s Activities Drill The Outer Planets Video Segment Planet trading cards Formation of the Earth WOW Conclusion
Closure Question List the gas giants.
Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Conclusion Answer Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune