SKILLS OF THE PROPOSER Type of partner: University Koç University – Private research university Located in Istanbul, Turkey Times Higher Education Rankings: Consistently 1st/2nd top scoring university in Turkey 40th out of 250 in universities younger than 50 worldwide in 2018 CONTACT PERSON: Asst. Prof. Emir Salih Magden (PhD: MIT) Institution/Organisation: Koç University, Dept. Of Electrical and Electronics Eng. Photonic Architecture Laboratories (PAL) Email: Web:
SKILLS OF THE PROPOSER Competences & Skills Silicon photonics focused research laboratory Design, simulation, and testing of application oriented nanophotonic components: communications, sensing (medical/environmental), optical signal processing Creative designs for novel photonic functionality with accurate & high-speed optical/electrical characterization Example: First octave-wide integrated dichroic splitter Magden et al. ‘‘Transmissive Silicon Photonic Dichroic Filters with Spectrally Selective Waveguides’’, Nature Communications 9, 3009 (2018)
SKILLS OF THE PROPOSER Work that can be performed Theory, design, optimization, and layout of waveguide-based devices & systems, with coupled mode theory, eigenmode methods, and finite difference simulations with complex thermal/optical/electrical dependencies. Computationally intensive device optimization tasks Design for broadband/high-yield photonic components Device/system level experimental characterization Optical and/or electrical probing (1.0-2.5 um) High-speed (>50Gbps) transmission measurements State-of-the-art setups with combinations of waveguide/fiber/free- space instruments