Elementary Teacher Lauren Sullivan
Options within the field Elementary teacher Preschool teacher Middle school teacher Principal Music teacher School counselor Reading specialist Kindergarten teacher
Salary An Elementary teacher makes about $54,890 a year.
Special Qualities and Abilities Love of kids Organization Dedication to teaching Nurturing nature Creativity Patient, caring, kind personality Compassion Willingness to reflect
Educational Training needed To be an Elementary school teacher, you must have your Bachelor’s to master’s degree. Also, you must have teaching experience. This could take a minimum of 4 years.
Top 5 schools Michigan State University University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Teachers College, Columbia University University of Wisconsin- Madison Vanderbilt University-(Peabody)
Famous Person A well-known teacher is Anne Sullivan. She was the teacher of Helen Keller, who was deaf and blind. Anne Sullivan was also blind for the first part of her life. She is known as the “miracle worker.”
reaction Researching this topic made me realize that I don't want to be a teacher anymore.
source https://www.biography.com/