Wakefields: Laser, toilet science, and gamma-ray bursts Toshi Tajima


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Presentation transcript:

Wakefields: Laser, toilet science, and gamma-ray bursts Toshi Tajima Norman Rostoker Chair, UC Irvine AAPPS18 Kanazawa, Japan Nov. 12, 2018

Acknowledgements of collaboration and my sincere thanks to: G. Mourou*, K. Nakajima, X. Q. Yan, D. Farinella, F. Dollar, W. Brocklesby, S. Steinke, B. Barish**, M. Downer, T. Ebisuzaki, A. Mizuta, K. Abazajian, M. Spiro, M. Teshima, K. Mima, Y. Kato, Y. Kishimoto, S. Bulanov, R. X. Li, A. Necas, S. Gales, M. Leroy, T. Massard, Y. Brechet, M. Kikuchi, F. Tamanoi, S. Hakimi, S. Nicks, X.M. Zhang, Y. Shin, P. Taborek, A. Caldwell, K. Shibata, R. Matsumoto, +J. M. Dawson, +N. Rostoker * 2018 Nobel, ** 2017 Nobel

abstract Wakefield: robustly elevated energy state, relativistic coherence, Higgs’ state of plasma Field Reversed Configuration: robustly elevated energy state (elevation  Landau-Ginzburg-like potential) Laser acceleration drove (1979) laser innovations: CPA (1985)*, RC (2004), CAN laser (2013), TFC (2014) 3. Nature prevalently creates wakefields: AGN accretion disk and jets Fermi acceleration  Wakefields acceleration 4. Gamma-ray bursts (Blazars): signature of wakefields GRB : sometimes accompanied by Gravitational Waves (GW)** 5. CAIL and Toilet Science 6. New technology thin film compression (TFC)  Leading to a new innovation X-ray LWFA 7. “TeV on a chip” (X-ray LWFA); coherent γ-ray laser; new zeptosecond science; medical (and other compact) accelerators

Elements of Wakefields 70th Birthday

Laser Wakefield (LWFA, 1979): Wake phase velocity >> thermal speed (vph >> vth ) Tsunami phase velocity becomes ~0, maintains coherent and smooth structure causes wavebreak and turbulence vs Strong beam (of laser / particles) drives plasma waves to saturation amplitude: E = mωvph /e No wave breaks and wake peaks at v≈c Wave breaks at v<c ← relativity regularizes (relativistic coherence) Relativistic coherence enhances beyond the Tajima-Dawson field E = mωpc /e (~ GeV/cm)

Relativistic nonlinearity under intense laser (1979) Plasma free of binding potential , but its electron responses forms its sturdy “spine”: a) Classical EM : vos<<c, b) Relativistic EM: vos~c a0<<1: δx only a0>>1: δz >> δx x z nonlinear δz~ao2 linear δx~ao Needs for relativistic laser intensity a0 = eE / mωc > 1 (1979)  high field science CPA* (1985)

Thermal plasma vs. Wakefields (and Higgs) Trivial vacuum vs. Laundau-Ginzburg potential  BCS  Nambu  Higgs vacuum Thermal plasma w/ Landau damping  wakefields , plasma with elevated energy Thermal plasma  Field Reversed Configuration plasma [Landau damping: decay of excited waves to equilibrium (left picture)] Wakefield: no damping; distinct excited stable state no particles to resonate (@ vph >> vth) = plasma’s elevated Higgs state , “onigokko (hide ‘n seek)” state , or “spined” state | 0 > vs. | H > ( cf . | H >  | 0 > ) thermo-equilibrium wakefield state tsunami onshore Tajima, Nakajima, Mourou*, RNC (2017) Landau-Ginzburg potential Thermal potential * *

Theory of wakefield toward extreme energies (when 1D theory applies) In order to avoid wavebreak, a0 < γph1/2 , where γph = (ncr / ne )1/2 ←theoretical ←experimental ncr =1021 ne = 1016 dephasing length pump depletion length

CAN laser and Laser Collider 70th Birthday

IZEST 100 GeV Ascent Collaboration: Design by Prof. Nakajima Energy gain VS Plasma density 1 TeV 1000 ne=3x1015 cm-3, Lacc=245m GeV IZEST 100 GeV Ascent Collaboration: Design by Prof. Nakajima 100 100 GeV ne=1.2x1016 cm-3, Lacc=12m 40GeV ne=3x1016 cm-3, Lacc=5m 10 PETAL design Energy gain 4.2 GeV BELLA-LBNL TEXAS CoReLS-IBS 3D PIC simulation SIOM LBNL LLNL SIOM Experimental data 1 CAEP RAL MPQ LLNL 7x1017 cm-3 Plasma density 0.1 cm-3 1019 1018 1017 1016 1015

Coherent Amplification Network Efficient (>30%), high rep rated (~kHz –MHz), light, digitally controllable CAN laser makes laser collider possible See Nakajima et al. (2018) Also indispensable for toilet science (later) Electron/positron beam Transport fibers ~70cm Mourou*, Brocklesby, Tajima, Limpert, Nature Photonics (2013)

Nature’s Natural Wakefields: jet wakfields driven by disk MRI instability 70th Birthday Ebisuzaki et al. Astropart. Phys. (2014)

Γ=10~30 Wake at bow of Alfven Pulse Bow Wake Acceleration EM Waves Alfven Waves Γ=10~30 Wake at bow of Alfven Pulse Bow Wake Acceleration 2019/4/30 ICRR Jan. 12, 2018

Anti-correlation between Luminosity and Power index from Blazars Anti-correlation of Luminosity L of gamma-ray and Power index p in time ↑ Wakefield theory anticipated(Ebisuzaki-Tajima 2014) Power index p vs. Luminosity L for several Blazars (more in Abazajian et al. arXiv 2018) p L p=2

Luminosity of gamma ray emission and spectrum AGN 3C454.3 with M = 107 M Luminosity L Strong accretion  strong wakefield time Spec. Index p p=2 Ideal episode for wakefield: index p = 2, Otherwise p > 2 (Mima, Tajima, Hasegawa 1991; Takahashi, Hillman, Tajima 2000, Ebisuzaki, Tajima 2014) Luminosity L

Gravitational wave and Gamma bursts Fermi satellite x LIGO - gamma bursts  - GW synchronize precedes gamma bursts see (Ebisuzaki et al, 2014) Neutron star-Neutron star collision  similar wakefields (Takahashi et al. 2000) Simultaneous Gravitational Waves** (Barish** at UCI, 2018)  (delayed by ~ 1 sec) **) Nobel in Physics (2017) Abbott et al. ApJ (2017)

Thin Film Compression and CAIL, and Toilet Science Mourou* et al. (2014) 70th Birthday

Single-cycle laser (new Thin Film Compression) Laser power = energy / pulse lnegth   1PW Optical nonlinearity of thin film  pulse frequency width bulge, pulse compression 10PW G. Mourou*, et al. Eur. Phys. J. (2014)

UCI TFC CM W TFC GM GM W CM Chirped Mirror: CM Gold Mirror: GM Wedge: W TFC Target (Fused Silica): TFC F. Dollar, D. Farinella, T. Nguyen, TT

Adiabatic (Gradual) Acceleration from #1 lesson of Mako-Tajima problem (1978) Accelerating structure ↓ Inefficient if suddenly accelerated protons ↑ ↓ Accelerating structure ↓ Efficient when gradually accelerated Lesson #1: gradual acceleration → Relevant for ions

Adiabatic (Shinkansen) acceleration (2) Thick metal target c Most experimental configurations of proton acceleration(2000-2009) laser protons electrons Innovation (“Adiabatic Acceleration”) (CAIL, 2009-) c slow = Method to make the electrons within ion trapping width Graded, thin (nm), or clustered target and/or circular polarization

Deuteron energy vs. thickness of foil Target thickness scales with a0 Coherent Acceleration of Ions by Laser (CAIL) Deuteron energy vs. thickness of foil Energy target thickness [normalized to laser intensity] Experiment: Steinke (2010) Our simulation Optimum parameters (sweet-spot) for ion acceleration at Necas (2018)

 New Philosophy and Science to Fulfill Self-responsibility 20th Century: Science of Discovery  21st Century: Toilet Science: Responsive to societal issues self-inflicted Tajima (Jan. 18,2005)

Toilet Science with CAN laser : Coherent Acceleration of Ions by Laser (CAIL) CAN laser thin target compression And irradiation of Nanometric film for CAIL Transmutator of nuclear waste by neutrons (Tajima, Necas, Mourou*, Gales, Leroy, 2018) generated with deuteron acceleration by CAIL (Tajima, Yan, Habs, 2010) Mourou*, Brocklesby, Tajima, Limpert : Nature Photon. (2013)

X-ray LWFA in Nanostructure Tajima, EPJ 223 (2014) Zhang et al. (2016) 70th Birthday

Relativistic Compression

Thin Film Compression (TFC) into a Single-Cycled Laser Pulse Mourou* , Brocklesby, Tajima, Limpert (2014)

Porous Nanomaterial: rastering possible Nano holes: reduce the stopping power keep strong wakefields Marriage of nanotech and high field science Spatia (nm), time(as-zs), density 1024 /cc), photon (keV) scales: Transverse and longitudinal structure of nanotubes: act as e.g., accelerator structure (the structure intact in time of ionization, material breakdown times fs > x-ray pulse time zs-as) Porous alimina on Si substrate Nanotech. 15, 833 (2004); P. Taborek (UCI): porous alumina (2007)

Fermilab/UCI efforts on nanostructure wakefield acceleration 70th Birthday

X-ray wakefield acceleration in nanomaterials tubes T. Tajima, EPJ (2014) X-ray laser with short length and small spot: NB: electrons in outers-shell bound states, too, interact with X-rays Simulation: Laser pulse with small spot can be well controlled and guided with a tube. Such structure available e.g. with carbon nanotube, or alumina nanotubes (typical simulation parameters) X.M. Zhang, et al.PR AB (2016)

Wakefield comparison between the cases of a tube and a uniform density tube case uniform density case X. M. Zhang, Tajima,…Mourou*,… (2016)

With and without optical phonon branch Model of optical phonon branch: T. Tajima and S. Ushioda, PR B (1978)  nanoplasmonics in X-ray regime Without lattice force (i.e. plasma) (when ωTO is much smaller than ωpe , there is no noticeable difference from the below where ωTO = 0) With lattice force (optical phonon branch present) S. Hakimi, et al. (2017)

Wakefield on a chip toward TeV over cm (beam-driven) Y. Shin (2014)

Conclusions Robust heightened energy state of plasma, Higgs’ state: Wakefields In fusion plasma: FRC (Field Reverse Configuration), a Higgs’ state (or Landau-Ginzburg excited stable state) Wakefields: Nature’s natural and ubiquitous creation: jets from Blackhole (AGN) driven by MRI instability of the accretion disk, NS-NS collisions Gamma rays bursts (TeV), flares, Cosmic rays (ZeV): simultaneous observations (sometimes with GW  Barish**’s LIGO observation of GW) Toilet Science: efficient ion acceleration for transmutation A new direction of ultrahigh intensity: zeptosecond lasers EW 10keV X-rays laser from 1PW optical laser Single-cycled X-ray laser pulse (relativistic compression) X-ray LWFA in crystal: accelerating gradient (from GeV/cm) TeV/cm Nanoengineering: s.a. nanoholes, arrays, focus nano-optics for nano-accelerator Start of zeptoscience: ELI-NP zeptoproject (collaboration)--- laser tools fit for nuclear phys. (attoseconds for atoms) Scale revolution: eVkeV; PWEW; aszs; μmnm; GeV/cmTeV/cm; 100mcm; μ-beamnanobeam; 1018 /cc  1024/cc societal impact (medical, Toilet Science,…) Laser acceleration: stimulated high field science laser technologies (CPA*, RC, CAN, TFC, …)

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