Vietnam War Cultural Literacy Unit Objective To understand cultural and symbolic images of the Vietnam era
Ho Chi Minh: Leader of the Vietminh, supporter of Vietcong
Ngo Dinh Diem Leader of S. Vietnam who was despised by own people for being cruel and harsh; was assassinated
Buddhist Immolation: Done to protest treatment of Buddhists by Diem
Sec. of Defense McNamara
General Westmoreland
Tet Offensive Execution of a Vietcong officer by S Tet Offensive Execution of a Vietcong officer by S. Vietnam National Chief of Police
Napalm Attack
Hanoi Hilton: North Vietnamese prison camp for captured American & S Hanoi Hilton: North Vietnamese prison camp for captured American & S. Vietnamese soldiers
Kent State University: Site of protests at which several college students were killed by the National Guard
Anti-War Protests
Hanoi Jane: Nickname for actress Jane Fonda for her criticism of U. S Hanoi Jane: Nickname for actress Jane Fonda for her criticism of U.S. policy in Vietnam
April 30, 1975: US Embassy Saigon The Fall of Saigon
Vietnam Memorial: “The Wall”: Memorial to those who died or are missing
Vietnam era “Huey” helicopter
Prisoners of War Missing in Action