Technology Department Annual Update April 23, 2013
Mission and Vision A shared commitment to provide the most effective education to all students so they live successful lives. We envision using technology to further the learning community where: Students are proficient using technology and able to discern when and how to use it. Teachers use technology to support and enhance their instruction and provide learning opportunities to meet each student’s unique needs. Administrators use technology effectively to complete required functions and duties, to collaborate with other educators, and to analyze student learning. Support staff use technology effectively in their job and as a tool to support classroom needs and the learning environment. Technology staff stays current with developments and innovations in the technology field.
Tech Staff Personnel
What is it that we do? Page 2 of 8 Provide and support classroom computers and other instructional equipment. Support and maintain support staff (non-classroom) computers and equipment. Provide and maintain networking and server infrastructure Provide technology support for other support departments including Maintenance, Transportation, Food Services, Special Services, Human Resources and the Business Office.
What is it that we do? Page 3 of 8 Maintain servers to handle necessary educational programs and services Provide and maintain electronic communications services and devices Maintain security measures and services to protect data, prevent intrusions, update computers, and provide cyber safe student Internet access Follow legal compliances and mandatory state regulations
What is the status of our equipment? Here is a breakdown of our classroom equipment. We would like to see all classrooms have the following equipment: Teacher computer Student computers LCD Projector Document Camera Interactive Whiteboards (SmartBoards TM) We have 244 instructional spaces in the district. Here is how many of our instructional spaces have each of these devices: LCD Projector: 222 Document Camera: 204 Interactive Whiteboards (SmartBoards TM): 24
LCD Projectors & Document Cameras
Network Switches
UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supplies) aka Battery Backup Units
Goals – Tech Review Recommendations Consider retaining the position of Director of Technology and increasing the FTE in the Technology Department to provide more timely proactive and reactive support at the building level. Consider re-engineering the current wireless network to provide guest wireless access and better monitoring. Consider replacing the existing trouble ticket software system/database with a more user friendly and less support intensive solution. Consider contracting with ESD 113 Network Services to provide consulting services to the Technology Department.
Goals – Tech Review Recommendations Consider implementing a technology procurement process that encourages input in the decision making process from the end user(s). Consider implementing a focused and ongoing effort to assist the staff members with the integration & use of technology to improve learning outcomes & increase staff efficiency, including (but not limited to): Classroom management and organizational strategies for technology use Innovations and best practices in the use of technology Multi-disciplinary, collaborative or self-directed learning projects Problem solving with real data sets, online communication and use of digital resources such as ebooks Accessing and managing educational technology resources Web-based interactive technologies
Goals – Tech Review Recommendations Consider formally recognizing &/or other incentives for staff members who utilize innovative, technology- supported teaching practices Consider developing and implementing a communication plan so all district staff members know about the technology resources available and the expectations for their use. This may allay perceptions of some staff regarding the amount and quality of district technology.
Other Goals Update our network infrastructure and develop a replacement cycle for network equipment and backup power supplies. Update old classroom computers. Update our district and building website from the Microsoft SharePoint Foundations to the SharePoint Enterprise version so that it is easier for staff to work on things and will require less time to update things. Eliminate the echo echo echo echo that staff experience with outside phone calls. Improve the student account creation process.
How we prioritize things? Most of our tasks are of high priority and the priority of tasks change depending on what else is going on. We are in a constant state of monitoring and adjusting what we are working on.
How we prioritize things? Highest Priority Maintaining all core systems and components of the district servers, network and internet services Responding to technology emergencies involving classrooms and staff tasks Keeping student and staff computers updated with critical updates
How we prioritize things? Next Highest Priority Working on projects that might not be the highest priority but have a deadline associated with them Communicating with staff about current issues and planned projects regarding technology Website communications with the public Meetings Working on long range projects that are needed to accomplish projects of immediate need
How we prioritize things? Next Priority Replacement of failing and/or outdated equipment Researching and ordering equipment Working on long range projects that impact the most number of students and staff
How we prioritize things? Things that are slow getting off the list and/or getting to Moving databases from old servers to our newest servers Moving old web applications from old servers to our newer servers Checking in with staff when it is not because something needs to be done Hands on training of staff Updating network wiring from the mid 1990s Cleaning out old electronic documentation Thoroughly documenting processes and how things work Removing old student accounts Removing and archiving old staff accounts Vacuum out insides of computers