Thanksgiving Action Steps: Thank God for His caring Providence Thank God for opportunities to share a Portion Thank God for His timely Provision Thank God for His faithful Preservation
Thanksgiving Action Steps: The Pilgrims were committed Christians who objected to the excesses of the State Church of England and for reasons of conscience could no longer participate, leading to their persecution. In America they experienced freedom and flourished. Ironically, people of faith in America today are limited by court rulings and public policies. We should advocate for the rights of conscience, the right to object when our biblical beliefs conflict with a policy or ruling.
Thanksgiving Action Steps: We should ask Congress to protect the rights of conscience of all Americans, especially people of faith. Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Or visit and click on Contact Officials. Ask them to support the Conscience Protection Act (H.R. 644, S. 301). Let’s thank God for our First Freedom—the freedom to believe and live according to those beliefs, and pray for his preservation of this freedom in America.