CS 367 – Introduction to Data Structures Heaps CS 367 – Introduction to Data Structures
Heap A heap is a tree that satisfies the following conditions largest element in tree is located at the root each node has a larger value than its children tree is balanced and the leaves on the last level are all as far left as possible
Valid Heaps root root Z Z X M X M T N J L T N
Invalid Heaps Level 2 has a value higher than level 1 root root X X Z M Z M T N J L T J Level 2 has a value higher than level 1 Nodes not all to left
Heap Applications Great for priority queues highest priority item always at the root just pop it off and re-sort the heap Can be used to sort data (called heap sort) put the data in a heap remove the root and re-sort keep repeating this until the heap is empty data was all removed in descending order
Implementing Heaps An elegant implementation is to use an array Re-consider the breadth first search dequeue a node from the head of the queue enqueue the nodes children in queue What if the node wasn’t actually removed? instead, its children were just enqueued
Implementing Heaps Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 X M queue Z X M T N J L T N J L
Implementing Heaps The previous example shows that a tree can be represented by an array the children of a node can be found with the following equations child1 = index * 2 + 1 child2 = index * 2 + 2 the parent of a node can be found with the following equation parent = (index - 1) / 2 // must be integer division this only works if the tree is balanced and all nodes are as far left as possible
Implementing Heaps Basic class for a heap class Heap { Object[] heap; int end; public Heap(int size) { heap = new Object[size]; end = 0; } public boolean insert(Object data); public Object delete();
Inserting into Heap Place new node at very end of the array the index indicated by the end variable Compare the added node with its parent if it is greater than the parent, swap the two elements repeat this process until it is no longer greater than its parent or the root is reached This algorithm percolates an inserted node toward the root as long as it is larger than its parent
Inserting into Heap private boolean insert(Object data) { if(end == heap.length) { return false; } heap[end] = data; int pos = end; int parent = (pos – 1) / 2; while((pos != 0) && (heap[pos] > heap[parent]) { swap(pos, parent); pos = parent; parent = (pos – 1) / 2; } end++; return true
Deleting from Heap Remove the first element in the array this is the root of the tree – highest value Move the last element in the array into the root position Compare the new root with both of its children if either of the nodes children are larger, swap it with the largest one repeat this procedure until the node is larger than both of its children or it has become a leaf Now the node “trickles” down the tree as long as either of its children are larger than it
Deleting from Heap public Object delete() { if(end == 0) { return null; } Object data = heap[0]; end--; if(end == 0) { return; } int pos = 0; int child = 1; heap[pos] = heap[end]; while((child < end-1) && ((heap[pos] < heap[child]) || (heap[pos] < heap[child+1]))) { if(heap[child] < heap[child + 1]) { child++; } swap(pos, child); pos = child; child = pos * 2 + 1; } if((child == end – 1) && (heap[pos] < heap[child]))