Do Now How many ul (microliters) are in one liter?
Objectives 1. SWBAT practice using the micropipette. 2. SWBAT measure out 20 ul, 10 ul, 5 ul, and 2ul.
Micropipetting Three types: Very expensive instrument for measuring *** A set of 3 (p20, p200, p1000) can range from $750- $1,000***** Measures very small volumes: microliters (ul) _________ microliters = 1 liter Three types: P-1000 __________ - __________ P-200 __________ - __________ P-20 __________ - __________
Micropipette What is the volume of this pipette? 2 20 ul
Reading the p20:
Parts of the Micropipette Tip Plunger Adjustment dial Volume window
Using the Micropipette Determine the volume to be pipette. Rotate the dial to the appropriate setting. NEVER GO ABOVE THE MAXIMUM VOLUME THAT IS MADE FOR THE MICROPIPETTE Use a clean pipette tip from box. Gently push micropipette onto tip. USE PROPER STERILE TECHNIQUE To draw up solution – depress plunger to first stop; release plunger and draw up solution; place tip at bottom of tube; depress plunger to second stop. Eject the used tip over and into the waste basket on table.
Holding the Pipette WSSP Lab Video