Outreach & Communications Committee Task Force Update www.coetthp.org
Goals & Outputs Create “About Us” for Website and other uses Requires additional information from the other task forces Continue to Develop Website Reviewing Push Alert Options Reviewing the Need for Social Media What sections of the website does the funding task force drive new sponsors to? Help us to help you!
Goals & Outputs Finalize Communications Database Continue to Initiate Student Engagement Plan Updates from Caroline Ocasio, IAU Review Structure and Use of BaseCamp Is BaseCamp just repository How is BaseCamp used How to manage BaseCamp Form and Template Management Add a Restricted Area to the current web site
Goals & Outputs Continue Support for New Sponsors and Funding Opportunities Continue Development of Marketing Tools and Support Continue Communications Plan and Database Development
Questions www.coetthp.org Aviation Maintenance Safety AJI2 Airforce Flight Standards Tech Ops Fleet Management www.coetthp.org ATC Training NAS Human Factors HR Pilot Training