Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [High Rate Study Group Monday Report to Excom] Date Submitted: [13January2000] Source: [James D. Allen] Company: [Eastman Kodak Co.] Address: [1669 Eastman Ave. Rochester, NY, 14650-2015] Voice:[(716) 588-1906], FAX: [(716) 722-9053], E-Mail:[] Re: [ ] Abstract: [This presentation to the 802 Excom summarizes the work done by the study group since its formation in November, 1999] Purpose: [To bring the SEC up to speed and hear any comments regarding the proposed PAR] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
IEEE 802.15 High Rate WPAN Status Report March 6th, 2000 Jim Allen, Eastman Kodak
IEEE 802.15 High Rate SG Status High Rate Study Group Participation/ Industry Interest 60 Meeting participants 41 TeleCon participants 35 Companies represented 8 Teleconference calls since Kauai Total participants: 41 15-20 participants per call Continuing weekly teleconference calls
IEEE 802.15 High Rate SG Status March 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/068r0 IEEE 802.15 High Rate SG Status PAR Submitted to ExCom for March Meeting Pre-submitted to NesCom pending 802 approval Began organizational and marketing activities in anticipation of TG Status SG Planning Summary - 802.15 - 00/008r0 (J. Allen) Organizational structure and Volunteer signup started 00/022r0 (J. Allen) MRD started (K. Marquess, R. Morris) - 00/007r0 Liaison with higher speed BT activity started
IEEE 802.15 High Rate SG Status CFA and CFP are in second round Letters of Intent due March 6, 2000 10 Submissions received Goals CFA/CFP review process completed by July ‘00 Debate and draft phase completed by July ‘01 Draft standard approved by November ‘01
PAR/5C Usage Model Summary IS BlueToothtm Interoperable Goal (implies 2.4 GHz) Embeddable and ultra low cost LOW Power Personal Area Network Range (link controlled by person) 20+ Mbps IS NOT Office/Enterprise LAN For Business/Mission Critical Long Range For Roaming and Enterprise coverage
Broad Market Potential March 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/068r0 Broad Market Potential Activity has generated intense interest with support from over 35 companies. Applications include: Digital (Still) Imaging Multimedia (Video, Voice over IP) Many-user systems Kiosk for imaging, MP3, coupons…… Toys, robots
Distinct Identity There are no 20+Mbits/s high data rate systems that satisfy the needs for short range, ultra low cost, ultra low power,embeddable wireless communications in consumer class products. Such systems are optimized for speed vs range and are intended to utilize 802.11or Ethernet as the backbone network. 802.15.1 addresses the requirements of an embeddable consumer oriented WPAN, but not the speed requirements of 20+Mbits/s.
Questions & Answers
PAR Scope This project will define the PHY and MAC specifications for high data rate (see 13a) wireless connectivity with fixed, portable and moving devices within or entering a Personal Operating Space (POS) (See 13b). A goal of the WPAN-HR (High Rate) Task Group will be to achieve a level of interoperability or coexistence with other 802.15 Task Groups, or an 802.11 device (see 13c). It is also the intent of this project to work toward a level of coexistence with other wireless devices in conjunction with Coexistence Task Groups such as 802.15.2.
PAR Purpose To provide a standard for low complexity, low cost, low power consumption, high data rate wireless connectivity among devices within or entering the Personal Operating Space (POS). The data rate will be high enough, 20 Mbps or more (see 13a), to satisfy a set of multimedia industry needs for WPAN communications. The project will also address the Quality of Service capabilities required to support multimedia data types.