The Lost Sons Luke 15:11-32
The Lost Sons Luke 15:11-32 Context of this parable (Luke 15:2) Jesus tells 3 parables - The Lost Sheep (3-7) - The Lost Coin (8-10) - The Lost Sons (11-32) “The pearl and crown of all the parables.” Trench
The Lost Sons Luke 15:11-32 This parable is the story of 3 characters: 1) a loving father 2) a lost son 3) an unforgiving brother
The Lost Sons Luke 15:11-32 The prodigal leaves his father (11-13a) He squanders his inheritance (13b-16) The smell of hogs opened his senses (17-19) The lost son finds his way back home (20a)
The Lost Sons Luke 15:11-32 The loving father shows compassion (20) The lost son’s confession (21) The forgiving father restores relationship (22-24)
The Lost Sons Luke 15:11-32 The unforgiving brother (25-27) -Attitude of Ph. toward sinners (2) Now the father has another lost son (28-30) -Angry, pouting, self-righteous, jealous, hateful heart The loving father’s plea to forgive (31-32) -older brother did not love his brother
The Lost Sons Luke 15:11-32 Brethren, we too have a loving Father! Have you every been like the younger son? -wasted time, talents, opportunities, and precious life? What about the older son? -do we hate sin or the sinner? -angry with God’s grace toward sinners?
The Lost Sons Our loving Father is watching for us to come home too! Luke 15:11-32
Why Not Obey God Now? Be baptized Saved! Confess your faith (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38) Saved! Why Not Obey God Now? Confess your faith (Romans 10:9-10) Unsaved! Repent of your sins (Acts 2:38; Acts 17:30) Unsaved! Believe the gospel (Mark 16:16; Hebrews 11:6) Unsaved!