Facts about King County Metro Transit Area served …. 2,134 square miles Population served …. 1,884,200 Coaches …. 1,301 (907 diesel, 235 hybrid, 159 electric trolley) Transit Centers …. 10 Park & Ride lots …. 132 Passenger shelters …. 1,536 Trolley Overhead wire …. 71 miles Transit Bases …. 7 Bus stops …. 9,549 Annual boarding …. ~119 million Transit employees …. 4,644 Operating expense …. ~ 500 million
Program Structure Three asset management programs Fixed assets Vehicles (revenue and non-revenue) IT (hardware and software) Fixed assets are grouped into four categories for inventory and inspection purposes. civil architectural mechanical electrical
King County Metro Transit Asset Management Program (TAMP) PROGRAM MILESTONES 1985 Program Initiated. Early 1990s all Transit Facilities and Infrastructure was included 2003 first full time Program Manager hired TAMP Team created including: Facilities Management, Engineering, Vehicle Maintenance.
Mission Statement (Fixed Assets) Preserve existing King County Transit plant and equipment to accomplish the purpose(s) for which they were constructed or purchased. Replace equipment and/or infrastructure as indicated by the facilities and equipment assessment, life cycle projections, condition inspections and maintenance reporting
What is in the TAMP Approximately $1 Billion in Facilities and Infrastructure Items in the program but not presently incorporated fully into TAMP – Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel – Structured Parking Garages – Transit Facility Security Systems Within the current Capital Improvement Period ( )TAMP expenditures will total approximately $10 million per year. Asset categories not included in the TAMP Program - IT systems, hardware and software - Revenue vehicles - Non-revenue vehicles
TAMP Organization For King County Metro KC TAMP is organized into three distinct replacement models at the component and sub-component level. – Facilities & Infrastructure (this includes large building systems such as HVAC, Other Mechanical and Plumbing, Lift replacement, Building systems such as roofs, and electrical.) – Equipment Replacement (this includes all capital equipment ($5K or greater) that does not require significant engineering or building modification to install). Plug and play approach. – Regular Asset Replacement (this includes replacement or refurbishment of similar assets on a regular schedule such as bus passenger shelters and electric trolley bus infrastructure (pole and switch replacement)
The King County Asset Management Program Is Managed By A Team The team consists of members representing Facilities management/maintenance (team lead), engineering, design, construction, project management and budget personnel. The team members have project management experience as well as expertise in their respective disciplines. The team solicits input from a variety of stakeholders, including operating and maintenance work units, planners and service planners.
Key Functions Of The King County Metro Asset Management Team Produce an annual Facilities Condition Report (FCR). The FCR includes inspection information, condition ratings, and project recommendations. The information contained in the FCR is used in conjunction with maintenance records and lifecycle information to determine asset replacement schedules. Prioritize/select projects from the FCR for the next year and the remaining capital planning horizon. The FCR is also used to assist in development of a programmatic budget for asset replacement. The planning horizon is normally six years. Track and report schedule/budget for current year program status.
Current Approach for Capital Asset Management and Replacement at King County Metro Transit. Multi-disciplinary team structure. Organized along the lines of business. Facilitate communication among all stakeholders. Selection/prioritization of projects are formalized to assure a rational basis for decision making, assuring best use of available funds and personnel.
Structure of the TAMP Program 1990 installed CMMIS DataStream MP-2 (for Asset and maintenance record keeping) 2008 purchased EAM system Infor 8e (go live date scheduled for September 09) Life cycles cycles place Assets into 3 tier replacement window (near term 1-6 years, mid term 6-15, long term beyond 15) Annual inspection cycles, maintenance records and other criteria of near term Assets place asset condition on a rating scale of 1-5 Engineering develops scope and cost estimates for refurbishment or replacement. TAMP team determines an annual work plan based on condition, budget, and a variety of other factors previously discussed
Asset management Process Assets are assigned a numerical life cycle based on industry standards, manufacturers recommendations, transit experience and best practices. Annual inspections held for assets which fall into the life cycle replacement planning window of 6 years. 6 year planning horizon includes consideration of technology changes, mandatory and regulatory concerns, safety and risk, cost benefit, service criticality, business practice changes and internal politics. Annual inspections and testing preformed at the component and sub- component level for assets that appear in the planning horizon Funding appropriation requests made based on inspection results and prioritization of equipment and systems to the above criteria. Annual work program established
State of Good repair Current definition: An asset is determined to be in a State of Good Repair (SGR) when the evaluated asset (system, equipment, or component) is in a condition where/when it can continue to meet and perform adequately for the purpose to which it was acquired and be safely operated and maintained with-in the parameters set forth by the manufacturer. Factors other than a SGR may be considered when determining replacement or refurbishment of an Asset.