Science and Technology in Rome


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Presentation transcript:

Science and Technology in Rome After the conquest of Greek, Roman empires followed the ancient scientific inquiry of greeks. Romans expanded their supremacy over the world but greek’s learing or knowledges conquered them. The progress and development of the science and technology on Roman empire occurred due to the Greeks. Greek Philosophers, Scientists, Geographers, Astronomers and Physicians whose contributions played major to Roman empire for their development. Julian Calender Introduction of Calender System – greatest importance of the Roman’s contributions to the world. Roman Emperor Julius Caesar (102-44 BC) who prominent statesmen, had scientific knowledge. He brought the system of Calendar. Earlier old Roman calendar followed based on the cycle of moon, which was as lunar calendar. Julius decided to introduce a new calendar of practical accuracy. In 47 BC he captured Egypt, where he learned Egyptian Calendar

Julian Calendar (adopted officially in 44 BC Eqyptian Calendar Followed Solar Calendar consisting of 12 thirty-day months plus 5 lucky days. (12x30=360 + Lucky days 5 = 365 days) Roman Calendar 12 lunar months have (6x29) + (6x30) = 354 days Tropical or solar year is about 365.25 days Julian Calendar (adopted officially in 44 BC He assigned Sosigenes, Greek Astronomer to reform Roman calendar and to design new calender. 12 approximately equal months (average of 30.5 days) Lunar months banned. Based on Tropical year 12 month total 365 days. A leap year of 366 days every 4 years Julian year is exactly 365days, 6 hours oo minits oo seconds but Tropical year is 365 days 5 h 48m 46 s. Julian Year is 11 m 14 s longer than the Tropical year. adopted officially in 44 BC. Followed till 1582 A.D in the West.

Roman Number System Number system was invented in ancient Rome which known as Roman Number System. Roman numerals are written as combinations of seven letters I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C=100 D = 500 M = 1000 letter can be written as Capital (XVI) or lower-case letters (xvi) 11 = 10 + 1 = XI 9 = 10-1 = IX VIII - 5 +3 = 8 XIX = 10 + 9 = 19 IX = 10-1 = 9 This system was followed in Europe in the 12th century until the introduction of the Hindu Arabic Number system.

Medical Science Borrowed from Greeks but formulated it well and applied to public hygiene. Cornelius Celsus, famous Medical writer who lived in 30 A.D His main work ‘De Medicina’ . It was the firs complete text book of medicine. He advised to use of compresses to stop bleeding. His works- explained about descriptions of surgical methods (Plastic surgery on nose, lips, ears and operation for cataract) Pliny Greatest Roman Naturalist Expert in Herbal medicine His main work ‘The Diseases of Women’. He concluded that difficulties in child birth due to the foetus in an abnormal position. Account of Childhood diseases and treatment for genital diseases of women. Regarded Father of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Galen born in Pergamum, old Greek city in 129 A.D Born into a wealthy family, father Nicon was very rich Architect. Nicon wanted Galen to study politics or philosophy but Galen choosen Medicine At the age of 16 Galen started studying Medicine Later he went to Alexandria where he studied Skeletons and examined wounds of Gladiators. He practiced Treatments Based on Hippocrate's theory of Four Humours. Four Humours - Treatments opposite to the illness. Theory of four humours Treats cold using Heat Treats fever using something cold Weak people were given hard physical exercises to Do. Heart is the origin of blood vessels and brain the source of nerves.