Joint Excon meeting Cum training EXERCISE Overview
BACKGROUND The 9th meeting of the Heads of Departments of disaster prevention of SCO members countries, held at Kyrgyzstan from 23-25 Aug 2017. During the meeting, the Hon’ble Home Minister of India announced India’s offer to host the 10th Meeting of Heads of Departments of disaster prevention of SCO member states. Hon’ble Home Minister also proposed that the 10th meeting could be preceded by a joint simulation exercise of SCO member States on Earthquake Urban Search & Rescue and expert committee meeting.
EXERCISE OBJECTIVE The objective of the proposed joint exercise is to practice and strengthen the national and international response, coordination protocols and methodologies, in a major earthquake scenario requiring international assistance.
G OALS To Rehearse and Practice:- Mechanisms for the acceptance, arrival, coordination and utilization of international assistance. National and international alert and notification procedures. Mobilization of international USAR and EMT assets. In-country arrival of international assistance teams and establishment of a Reception & Departure Centre (RDC). Consular assistance to foreign nationals in the affected area.
Joint operations planning by national and international response elements, including the Local Emergency Management Authority (LEMA). Coordinated assessment and information management functions. Special needs of vulnerable population i.e. women, children and differently abled people.
PARTICIPATING MEMBER COUNTRIES The Republic of India The Republic of Kazakhstan The People's Republic of China The Kyrgyz Republic The Islamic Republic of Pakistan The Russian Federation The Republic of Tajikistan The Republic of Uzbekistan.
SUGGESTED PARTICIPATION As discuss and decided during the Preparatory Meeting, the size and composition of the delegation shall be the discretion of the Member Country. Interpreters in Russian & Chinese language will be provided by India. As observers – International Organizations & National representatives.
METHODOLOGY This will be a simulated exercise, focused on the strategic and tactical aspects of a disaster response and does not involve ‘boots on the ground’. The exercise scenario is based on the events of first eight to ten days of a sudden-onset of emergency, typically an earthquake that results in collapsed structures and subsequent humanitarian consequences within an urban environment. The concept of compressed time frames and time jumps will be adopted to simulate the initial ten days response into four days.
METHODOLOGY The disaster scenario is of the scale that overwhelms local and national response capacity, resulting in a request for regional/ international assistance made by the affected country. The key principles of the exercise are that it reflects the reality of response and that it is flexible, within the timescale in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.
CONDUCT Exercise will be conducted as per INSARAG methodology in general. Different phases of the response will be simulated Mobilization Operations Demobilization Core coordination structure as per INSARAG methodology shall be followed.
CONDUCT Each sub scenario develops in a relatively short period of time, so “time jumps” are used. The exercise is based on a realistic scenario and each team is expected to respond as they would in case of an actual disaster.
RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Realistic scenario- “exercise as you would respond” Compressed timeline- first 10 days In 04 days Coordination and Information Management Focus- 8 functional groups. There are no rights and wrongs. No fault finding Learning Environment XCON will set the scene and manage variation of tasks Use existing plans and procedures to guide your actions
EXERCISE PLAYER- FUNCTIONAL GROUP Local Emergency Management Authority (LEMA) EXCON UN Disaster assessment & coordination team (UNDAC) Humanitarian country Team Regional Urban Search & Rescue National Responders MNMCC Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs)
EXCON - ROLE Facilitate and provide a realistic stage for the participants’ response. To manage Tasks and Injects. To share feedback.
SCO joint exercise on urban earthquake search & rescue - 2019 EXERCISE -PROGRAM SCO joint exercise on urban earthquake search & rescue - 2019 Venue Dr Ambedkar International Centre, New Delhi 21-24 Feb 2019
EXCONs and Host Country - Preparation for Exercise Secretariat WEDNESDAY 20TH FEB, 2019 Time Event OPR All Day EXCONs and Host Country - Preparation for Exercise Secretariat
DAY - 01 21 Feb 2019 Time Event OPR Registration of Participants 1000-1030 Registration of Participants Exercise Secretariat 1030-1045 Administrative Announcement / Safety Briefing 1045-1100 Exercise Overview- Acknowledgement of Participants 1100-1130 COFFEE BREAK 1130-1200 Country Presentation, India (Bhuj Earthquake) 1200-1215 Roles and Responsibilities: International USAR 1215-1230 Roles and Responsibilities: Emergency Medical Team 1230-1245 Roles and Responsibilities: Humanitarian Systems/ UNDAC/ERAT 1245-1300 Civil-Military Coordination 1300-1330 Open Forum EXCON 1330-1430 L U N C H B R E A K 1430-1500 Arrival of Guests
Exercise Secretariat/ LEMA 21 Feb 2019 DAY - 01 Time Event OPR 1500-1600 Inaugural Session Exercise Secretariat 1600-1615 Start of SIMEX – Alert of Earthquake & Scenario Briefing, Mobilization and Response Exercise Secretariat/ LEMA 1615-1700 Breakout Sessions International USAR OSOCC/ERAT EMTs HCT LEMA & National Responders CM Coord EXCON 1700 onwards Technical Break 1900 onwards Welcome Dinner
DAY - 02 Time Event OPR 22nd Feb 2019 0900-0930 EXCON to proceed to Exercise Venue EXCON 0930-1000 Participants to leave Hotel to Exercise Venue Secretariat 1000-1700 Start of SIMEX – Response Operation International USAR to undergo CIQ Establishment of RDC Establishment of EOC/ ICP/response Cluster LEMA meeting/Cluster Meeting USAR Operations and Coordination (National & International) EMT Operations and Coordination (National & International) OSOCC Meeting MNMCC Roll-out Media Briefing 1700 Technical Break - Return to Hotel
DAY - 03 Time Event OPR 23rd Feb 2019 0930-1000 Movement to EXCON and participants (Hotel to Venue) Secretariat 1000-1700 Continuation of SIMEX – Operations EXCON 1700 Technical Break - Return to Hotel 1800 Bara Khana
DAY - 04 Time Event OPR 24th Feb 2019 0930-1000 Movement to EXCON & participants (Hotel to Venue) Secretariat 1000-1100 Continuation of SIMEX - Demobilization EXCON 1100-1130 Functional Group De-briefing 1130-1230 Plenary Debriefing- Exercise Impressions Team Leaders, Exercise Director 1230-1330 Closing Ceremony 1330 onwards Lunch & Departure
EXERCISE - APPROACH good exercise! Accept exercise artificialities Sense of Humor Everyone learns Constructive feedback please. Positive attitude! Have a good exercise!
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