CI Vision and Mission So glad that everyone is here. Its not easy to give up two days from our normal personal and professional schedules, so very appreciative. As you might notice there was last minute fluctuation with participants for health and other reasons. I have spoken to all of these colleagues and they are sorry to be missing this day and a half. We see them as part of a larger, continued, conversation so even though they are not here now, their perspective and ideas will be a part of what we create. You have all received the ex. summary of our strategic plan and I have had the opportunity to speak to many of you by phone or in-person. This presentation will complement that. WHAT I WILL ADDRESS HERE IS: What is the focus of CI’s work? And why? And how does this meeting fit in?
CI Vision Statement Diversity is embraced for its positive potential. Human dignity is a core value. Interdependence between different groups is recognized. Equality is valued and actively pursued. Use of weapons to solve conflicts is increasingly obsolete. Through a strategic planning process we arrived at this vision statement. CI envisages a world where…. This may be a vision statement that many of you in this room are likely supportive of, and could endorse. Would be In this room we have individuals and institutions represented that come from different disciplines and employ distinct tactics and methodologies in contributing to this vision. This vision statement also describes positive coexistence. QUESTION: HOW CAN CI CONTRIBUTE TO THIS VISION? AT THIS MEETING WE WILL GENERATE IDEAS ABOUT THIS.
CI’s Mission We work towards this world by: Strengthening the effectiveness of policy-makers, practitioners, researchers, advocates, organizations, and networks promoting coexistence at local, national, and international levels. Facilitating connections, learning, reflection and strategic thinking between those in the coexistence field and those in related areas (eg: sustainable development, human rights, democracy, the arts). Our piece of peace. (1): Strengthening the coexistence field. WITHIN THE FIELD (2): Facilitating connections, learning and bridge building between coexistence and those in related fields. BETWEEN COEXISTENCE AND OTHER FIELDS WHEN WE TALK ABOUT COEXISTENCE FIELD WE ARE INCLUDING all the subfields working to strengthen intergroup relations and build peace. The focus of their work is strengthening relationships across difference. Includes peace building, conflict transformation, conflict management, among others.
Why this Mission? Fragmentation and lack of coordination impedes effective, sustainable, coexistence. Despite a common vision, players often work in isolation from one another – a situation that can lead to missed opportunities or incomplete responses to conflicts. Why is this the way to contribute to vision? We can think of EXAMPLES where this has been case and hopefully cases where we have seen the opposite. Burundi: refugee camps N. Ireland: Econ. Development further divided community until coexistence framework applied. Bosnia and Herzegovina: Aid efforts outpaced efforts in political and social arenas. Indonesia: Peace agreement signed with little attention given to reconstruction and demobilization
Why this Mission? cont. There are differences and complexities WITHIN the coexistence field and also BETWEEN the coexistence field and individuals and organizations working in related areas. Humanitarian assistance (Intl. Red Cross) Refugee resettlement (UNHCR) Sustainable development (Oxfam) Art and community cultural development (Theater without Borders) We will explore these differences in a short while through the Barometer exercise
Why this Mission? cont. Enhancing linkages between coexistence practitioners, activists, researchers, policymakers and funders and those from related fields, contributes to a stronger, expanded coexistence field. A stronger field and a more complementary approach to coexistence work is a critical step towards a world characterized by respectful, equitable relationships across difference.
What is Complementarity? Individuals and organizations working in related fields understand that their effectiveness depends upon each others’ work. They do their work with an awareness of, and sometimes in coordination or collaboration with, other fields. There are different ways of strengthening relatedness between fields. Our particular focus is on complementarity
Related Concepts Integrated Approach: Individuals and organizations who work toward a similar vision join forces, develop strategies together, integrate their work. Mainstreaming: Coexistence ideas and practices are adopted by organizations working in other fields or disciplines. INTEGRATED APPROACH: This might be accomplished through interdisciplinary teams, or joint projects, or merging of organizations from different disciplines. MAINSTREAMING: governments adopt coex policies,or art schools include courses on arts and peacebuilding. We can talk w/Eva from UNDP about this.
Action Since July 2005 CI has: Convened gatherings of participants from the coexistence field Conducted research into commonalities and differences within the coexistence field Conducted research into coexistence sensitivities and programming within governance and democracy organizations Convened gatherings of theater artists and coexistence practitioners in the US, Australia and New Zealand Sustained conversations with funders about a complementary approach to coexistence POLICY RESEARCH = info packs THEATER = Roberta and Claudia part of those conversations What we do: Facilitate information sharing Contribute new knowledge Convene space for thinking and reflecting across disciplines WHY THIS MEETING??