Sponge: Reading Logs What is the book title and author of the book you are reading for your reading log? (The author of my book is… The title of my book is…) Describe 2 things you like about the book.(Two things I like about the book are _________, and _______________.) Explain why you would or wouldn’t recommend the book to a friend (I would recommend this book to a friend because…)
Timed Reading Friday’s We will open with a timed reading every Friday! You will have 3:20 to read the passage, and 3:20 minutes to answer the questions for that passage. When you are finished reading the passage, look on the screen to see how long it took you to read it. Mark your time on the notecard I’ve provided, and number your notecard 1-10 so you can record your answers.
Sponge: Protagonist VS Antagonist If you could be any protagonist (hero) or antagonist (villain) from any story for a day, who would it be? Explain why using details. Write a couple of paragraphs explaining what you would do if you were that person for one day. Explain the day from start to finish. Think about how you would face your opposition.
Sponge: plot outline Choose any book, movie, show, play, or story to respond to the following: Describe the setting of the story. Who are the characters involved? (is there a protagonist or antagonist?) What is the main conflict/problem in the story? Describe the climax of the story. Describe the resolution of the story.
C- Level 5 H- raise hand A- journal free-write M-only to sharpen P- Journal free-write Write 1-2 paragraphs comparing and contrasting the lunch procedure at Esperanza’s school to the lunch procedure at VPA. Explain which lunch procedure you would rather have. Provide 2-3 reasons why you would like it that way. (If you were to leave school for lunch, where would you go and why?)
Letter of Apology (Dear library staff…) Write a 1 page letter of apology to Ms. Ernwine and the library staff (since we can’t go today because of overall misbehavior) The letter must include: *A sincere apology (sound like you mean it!) *A description of the expectations for a library visit. *A description of some expectations that were not followed. *What you will be sure to do the next time we go to the library so we can visit the rest of the year.
Using details from the text Tell what page and paragraph number you found the detail or example on (page 74, paragraph 3; page 76, paragraph 10). Put quotation marks around the details from the text( On page 74, paragraph 1, it says Esperanza wants to eat in the canteen with “the special kids.” This is probably because she wants to make friends and become popular at school.) Always provide an explanation to show why you include a quote from the story (This is probably because she wants to make friends and become popular at school.)
“A Rice Sandwich” free-write activity. What do you think the theme of the story is? If you can, try to name more than 1 theme. What events in the story lead you to believe this is the theme? How would you have felt if you were Esperanza?
“A Rice Sandwich” vocab: define and use the following terms on the DIY organizer. Level 1 Level 2 Canteen Invent Anemic Hollered Appreciate Superior Faint Ashamed
Closure activity: vocab Name two new words you have learned from our readings this week. Use both of the words in a complete sentence.
Closure: historical figure. If you could learn about any historical figure, who would it be? Explain why using details How can learning about the lives of others expand your understanding of the world?
Closure: Jackie Robinson reaction How did the events surrounding the story of Jackie Robinson change history? How would life be different today if blacks/African Americans weren’t allowed to play professional baseball? Use details in both of your answers!