MARKET OVERVIEW Venturi Replacement Application Specifics System Schematics Comparison Examples Ground Rules Major Competitors Best Approach to Attack the Market Economic Evaluation Spreadsheet
MARKET OVERVIEW Vacuum Venturis Used for many years OEM applications Simple, small, remote vacuum uses Compact, simple, cheap, no moving parts Just plug into your existing compressed air line
Very Simple … If you stop here MARKET OVERVIEW Vacuum Venturis Air Compressor Motive Air for Venturi Very Simple … If you stop here
Venturis have Huge Disadvantages End Users – Operating Costs OEM using Venturis will look weak every time Many Vacuum Venturi applications benefit greatly by replacement with vacuum pumps We’ll show you when, how and why vacuum pumps or blowers are the best choice
APPLICATION SPECIFICS Venturi Operating Principle Motive air from compressor Entrained air is pulled through nozzles Suction created at opening of each stage Creating vacuum at system inlet
VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUE (using Frank’s new “Dream” Ferrari) Going warp speed in a 35 mph zone, Led Zeppelin splitting his eardrums, Frank cracks the front windows Cigar smoke from his illegal Cuban cigar is sucked out the window, tangled in the flowing hair of his buxom, blond bimbo
Now …… Back to Reality!
VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUE Key Point . . . Massive air flow is required to develop a small amount of suction flow and vacuum The Process is extremely inefficient
Rietschle Success Story Application: Vacuum for packing machines Replace: 27 Gast rotary vane pumps (24”HgV) Under Consideration: A. PIAB Venturis B. Duplex 20 HP liquid Ring vacuum system C. Rietschle CLFEH-501 duplex pump system (with two 20 HP motors) or a Rietschle VCEH-160 triplex system with three 10 HP motors).
Rietschle Success Story (cont.) User’s sister company used PIAB venturis Recommended replacement of high-maintenance Gast vacuum pumps with PIAB ejectors Customer was receptive to an economic analysis Analysis uncovered huge energy and cost savings Rietschle secured a significant system order Rietschle system saved approximately: 40% power compared to the individual Gast pumps Over 90% in power compared to the PIAB venturis, and provided more than double the air flow to their system!
Economic Evaluation Example Given Conditions: End User has (25) PIAB model MLD-100 vacuum venturis operating on his existing machines. He requires 18”HgV on his machines for pick & place operations. Current installed capacity is 62.5 scfm (PIAB literature shows that each MLD-100 can deliver 2.5 scfm @ 18 “HgV. 2.5 X 25 = 62.5 scfm). Customer Requirements: Customer wants to add additional capacity and will need an additional 25 scfm. His current air compressor is fully loaded, so if he uses vacuum venturis, he will need to add additional air compressor capacity.
Economic Evaluation Example (cont.) 1. Based on PIAB literature, customer will need to add 10 additional venturis to obtain 25 scfm (25 scfm 2.5 scfm/venturi @ 18”HgV = 10 venturis). 2. Calculate air compressor airflow to operate 35 venturis (25 existing venturis plus 10 new venturis). Per published PIAB literature, each venturi will require approximately 13 scfm of air compressor capacity. 13 X 35 = 455 SCFM. 3. Estimate power consumption to produce 455 scfm @ 80 psig. Either obtain actual compressor and motor size from a vendor, or use 4.0 scfm/HP as an estimate. 455 4.2 = 108.3 bhp.
Economic Evaluation Example (cont.) 4. Estimate cost of power. Assuming a power cost of $0.10/kw-hr, and 5840 hours per year operation (two shifts, 365 days per year), annual operating costs of the above system would be: $/Yr = HP X .746kW/HP X $/kW-Hr X Hrs/Yr = 108.3 X .746 X $0.10 X 5840 = $42,917 per year operating costs for Venturis.
Economic Evaluation Example (cont.) Select Rietschle vacuum pump to do the job. a. Convert SCFM to ACFM. [87.5 scfm @ 18”HgV (11.92”HgA)] ACFM = SCFM X (29.92 / “HgA) ACFM = 87.5 X (29.92 / 11.92) ACFM = 219.6 ACFM b. For 18”HgV, you could use a duplex VTB-250, dry running rotary vane vacuum system. Each pump has a capacity of 150 ACFM @ 18”HgV and uses a 10 HP motor. Two pumps running together will actually provide much more than the required capacity. By providing a central system with air receiver and vacuum switches, one pump would probably handle the requirement most of the time. For the purposes of this example, be “generous” and assume both 10 HP motors need to run continuously, for a total power consumption of 20 HP. (Actual power consumption would be closer to 10 Hp than 20 HP).
Economic Evaluation Example (cont.) 6. Calculate Power Cost for Rietschle System $/Yr = HP X .746kW/HP X $/kW-Hr X Hrs/Yr = 20 X .746 X $0.10 X 5840 = $8,713 per year operating costs for Rietschle System. Annual Operating Cost Savings Using a Rietschle System $42,917 - $8,713 = $38,484 Cost Savings This does not even include any capital cost evaluations. If you include the cost of the initial compressor system (usually much larger and more costly than a Rietschle Vacuum System), the evaluation often looks even better. Payback can sometimes be a matter of months in energy savings alone!
Rules of Thumb Typical motive air pressures are from 60 – 100 psig Compressors provide about 4.2 scfm per HP @ 100 psig Compressor systems can be ball-parked at $350/HP Depending on vacuum level, Rietschle vacuum pumps can be from 3 – 10 times more efficient than vacuum venturis Venturis are reasonable for very small, isolated vacuum requirements if excess compressor capacity already exists Venturis are a terrible choice for high capacity requirements
Rules of Thumb Venturis become less efficient at higher vacuum levels Venturis are one of the most inefficient ways to produce vacuum Efficiency drops as motive air pressure decreases Paybacks can often be just a few months, especially when higher vacuum levels are required Vacuum systems are usually smaller and less costly than the compressors required to operate venturis
Major Competitors PIAB Parker Hannifen Thomas Gast SMC
Venturi Advantages / Disadvantages Venturi Disadvantages Low initial cost Ultra-high operating costs Compact (ignoring compressor) Low efficiency Simple operation (if you ignore compressor system) Requires separate compressor, piping, valves, traps, regulators Good for very small demands Poor choice for higher demands Compressors must be oversized to insure proper operation
Rietschle Advantages Huge energy and cost savings Very rapid return on investment No separate compressor system to purchase and install Systems can run multiple machines On-Line standby capacity OEM’s can promote higher efficiency vs. their competition
Best Approach to Attack the Market Sell to the OEM Sell him on efficiency and operating cost benefits to his customers Sell Users on concept of “Total System Cost” Additional sales & profit Vacuum pumps do a better job – more flexible Customer can free up existing air compressors The “KEY” is a good economic evaluation
Best Approach to Attack the Market Sell to the End User Efficiency and operating costs Look for multiple machines and/or large requirements Look for higher vacuum levels, where venturis are very inefficient Ask how he is doing on compressor capacity Customer can free up existing air compressors Ask about future expansions and new machinery The “KEY” is a good economic evaluation
Summary A Golden Opportunity We have a lot to offer Both OEM’s and End Users Benefit Economic Evaluation is the Key Use the Excel Spreadsheet to make it easy