Training Trainers and Educators Unit 2 - Learning and Teaching Styles Aim Explore different teaching and learning styles and their application Learning outcomes Describe different learning and teaching styles and be able to apply this knowledge effectively in practice Discuss the causes of mismatch between educator and learner and the impact this may have on effective learning Slide 2.1 IMPORTANT Note to facilitator Due to copyright legislation we are unable to use certain images or diagrams on the slides. Therefore always click on the links provided on the slides during the presentation to access these. You will be familiar with the content of this topic. Outline tutor notes are provided but the expectation is as an experienced facilitator you may wish to add/change to suit your own and audience needs. It always helpful to revisit agreed ways of working if any of the units are being delivered separately.
Honey and Mumford Activists Reflectors Theorists Pragmatists VARK Learning styles Honey and Mumford Activists Reflectors Theorists Pragmatists VARK Visual Auditory Read/Write Kinesthetic Multi-modal Slide 2.2 This is a quick reminder of the headings of 2 different types of learning style questionnaires which could have been done as pre unit preparation.
VARK Learning styles Slide 2.3 Over view VARK- an aid to discussion Link to pre session request to undertake VARK questionnaire to assess your own learning style preference Multi-modal - Those who do not have a standout mode with one preference score well above other scores, are defined as multimodal.
Your learning style What was your identified learning style? Was your identified learning style what you expected? How do you think your preferred learning style may influence your delivery of teaching and learning? Slide 2.4 Perhaps discuss if participants are willing to share their different styles with perhaps examples where this is useful to them e.g. Now I know I am a visual learner I understand why I am always drawn to developing pictures/diagrams
Stages of learning (from G. Grow) Dependent Interested Involved Self directed Slide 2.5 The next 3 slides are about mismatch between the teaching and learning style: Based on Gerald Grow Dependant: New to further education or returner to learning, need explicit directions, a dependence on the expert knowledge of others. Pedagogic. Has critics but only when used for the wrong students. Interested: Respond to motivation techniques, classified as ‘quite good students’. Shift to the learner’s motivation. Pedagogic/Androgogic . Experts provide guidance. Goal setting. Builds confidence Involved: Participates in their own education, critical thinking skills use their own initiative. Teacher uses facilitator approach. Supports risks. Humanistic theory Self directed: Take responsibility, set own goals and standards. Self directed. Teacher delegates learning . Collegial relationship MSc/PhD. This slide looking at the stages we tend to go through to become self directed but just because a learner reaches self direction in one area of learning it doesn’t mean they are there for everything and can often depend on the topic or subject being explored. Perhaps integrate a practical example: Dependant example, novice working with expert. Dependency can be positive but also limiting factor influencing the learners progression. Ask the group to provide examples either of learners at specific stages or moving through the stages.
Teaching styles Authority Motivator Facilitator Delegator Slide 2.6 See Handout 2 for all descriptors Facilitators need to be flexible to allow engagement with all learners at any stage. Evidence suggests that facilitators of learning become comfortable in a way of doing things and stick to that way whatever the circumstance. So a very good student tutor can fail with learners by being too hierarchical or a trainer who encourages learner centeredness may assume a learner is self directed while they remain anxious for more advice. Reflect with group as to how they have seen these styles previously. Authority may be at school, Motivator may be further education, Facilitator – often can be by giving the group questions or topics to explore (now happening in schools!!). Delegator teaching styles in healthcare may involve mentorship roles and is more personal to the learner.
Match/mismatch in teacher and learner styles Slide 2.7 Usually leads to discussion either in the large group or later in the small group. Look for examples using both individuals and subject matters to illustrate advantages and disadvantages. Credit for this work goes to Gerald Grow Please access the following link for more detailed information Gerald Grow