(a) Venn diagram showing the degree of overlap of the following different approaches: G-test for significant differences between groups (with Bonferroni corrections for false-discovery rate), DIROM, and unique network clusters. (a) Venn diagram showing the degree of overlap of the following different approaches: G-test for significant differences between groups (with Bonferroni corrections for false-discovery rate), DIROM, and unique network clusters. Unique networks consist of the set of OTUs that were obtained by clustering in D+ or D− but not in both. (b) Induced subnetwork of IAV+ and IAV− for the overlapping 41 OTUs. Both subnetworks are shown as roughly complete graphs (i.e., there exists an edge within every pair of OTUs); however, the edge weights in IAV− are all of high value (average weighted degree of 25.4) and thus form a robust cluster showing strong cooccurrence patterns among the nodes, whereas in IAV+, edge weights among 41 overlapping OTUs were on average very low (average weighted degree of 1.7). Holly H. Ganz et al. mSystems 2017; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00188-16