Cholera Toxin FhHDM-1 Merged Video 3.1 Co-localisation of FhHDM-1 with lipid rafts in the plasma membrane of macrophages was confirmed by OMX microscopy. Three dimensional video (left) and collapsed immunofluorescent images obtained by OMX super resolution microscopy of primary human macrophages. Macrophages were incubated with RecFhHDM-1 which was identified by His tag detection by and anti-penta His primary antibody and an Alexa 488 (green) conjugated secondary antibody. Yellow fluorescence corresponds to co-localisation. Cells were stained with cholera toxin subunit B (red) and DAPI (blue) to identify lipid rafts and nuclei, respectively. (Scale bars in right panels: 3µm). (Note: this video corresponds to Figure 3.1F. A fully stained untreated control sample was used to set up the microscope, however a video was not generated for it).