2017 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) NCR-MD 2017 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) Let Your Voice Be Heard!
FEVS Background OPM-administered, web-based survey Let Your Voice Be Heard! FEVS Background OPM-administered, web-based survey Targeted workforce: full and part-time civilian employees Survey design Random sampling 84 questions 30-45 minutes to complete Launches May to June
FEVS Background Questions included in the 2017 FEVS Let Your Voice Be Heard! FEVS Background Questions included in the 2017 FEVS Leaders in my organizations promote my professional development I have a mentor, or someone I trust, to go for career advice Remaining in my current geographic area is more important to me than relocating for greater career opportunities
Let Your Voice Be Heard! FEVS Poster
Why is this effort important? Let Your Voice Be Heard! Why is this effort important? Foster a high performance culture for employees More collaboration and communication with the organization and employees Gives employee a “vote” in making improvements in the federal government Valuable in retaining and developing our civilian workforce
Highlights from the 2016 FEVS Results Let Your Voice Be Heard! Highlights from the 2016 FEVS Results +/- Area Question NCR MD + Work Experience Q7: When needed I am willing to put in the extra effort to get a job done 95.6% Work/Life Q80: How satisfied are you with the following Work/Life programs in your agency? Alternative Work Schedules (AWS) 92.5% Q13: The work I do is important. 92.2% Q5: I like the kind of work I do. 90.5% - Work Unit Q43: My supervisor provides me with opportunities to demonstrate my leadership skills 62.2% Q47: Supervisors in my work unit support employee development 56.2% My Agency Q83: How satisfied are you with the following Work/Life programs in your agency? Child Care Programs (for example, daycare, parenting classes, parenting support groups) 46.1 Q84: How satisfied are you with the following Work/Life programs in your agency? Elder Care Programs (for example, support groups, speakers) 36.6%
Drivers For Employee Engagement Let Your Voice Be Heard! Drivers For Employee Engagement Leader’s Lead Collaborative Management Merit System Principles Performance Recognition & Reward Supervisor Performance Feedback Work and Life Balance Intrinsic Work Experience Training and Development Job Resources Performance Rating
A Closer Look: Training and Development Let Your Voice Be Heard! A Closer Look: Training and Development Training and Development I am given a real opportunity to improve my skills in my organization My training needs are assessed Intrinsic Work Experience Employee Engagement Index Survey Items suggest actions for improving intrinsic work experiences for employees and consequently, conditions for building engaging workplaces
A Closer Look: Performance Feedback Let Your Voice Be Heard! A Closer Look: Performance Feedback Performance Feedback My supervisor highly encourages me to complete a self-assessment Discussion with my supervisor about performance are worthwhile My supervisor provide me with constructive suggestions to improve my job performance In the last six months, my supervisor has talked with me about my performance My supervisor scheduled sufficient time to meet with me privately to review my year-end performance appraisal Intrinsic Work Experience Employee Engagement Index Survey Items suggest actions for improving intrinsic work experiences for employees and consequently, conditions for building engaging workplaces
FEVS Timeline Let Your Voice Be Heard! JUL AUG NOV 2018 OPM NCR MD Compile Data Distribute Results NCR MD Develop Action Plans Engage and Re-Survey JUL AUG NOV 2018
Questions? Contacts: Sandy Lehman – georgiana.l.lehman.civ@mail.mil Let Your Voice Be Heard! Questions? Contacts: Sandy Lehman – georgiana.l.lehman.civ@mail.mil Andrea Calizo – andrea.d.calizo.ctr@mail.mil