Cellular Respiration.


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Presentation transcript:

Cellular Respiration

Biology B-Day 11/22/16 Bellringer Why does a person get type II diabetes? Without insulin, a person cannot do what? Agenda Bellringer Technology Lesson (A1) Test Corrections Cellular Respiration Virtual Lab

Biology B-Day 11/22/16 Bellringer Why does a person get type II diabetes? Diet, lack of exercise, over-production of insulin Without insulin, a person cannot do what? Signal the cells to take in glucose Agenda Bellringer Technology Lesson (A1) Test Corrections Cellular Respiration Virtual Lab

Chemical Energy and Food Cells need to break down food energy into useable energy All living things (eukaryotes) go through cellular respiration – even plants

Why is this process called cellular respiration? Cells need oxygen in order to break down sugars into useable energy Cellular respiration makes ATP by breaking down sugars

Cellular Respiration Aerobic – requires oxygen Takes place in mitochondria

Cellular Respiration Glucose cannot be made directly into ATP Three step process Glycolysis Krebs Cycle Electron Transport Chain

Glycolysis Takes place in the cytoplasm Breaks glucose down into 2 pyruvic acid/pyruvates (3-carbon compounds) Makes 2 molecules of ATP Anaerobic – no oxygen needed

Glycolysis Needs 2 molecules of ATP to begin Releases 4 ATP total -2 ATP in + 4 ATP out +2 ATP out Net production of energy = 2 ATP

Glycolysis Removal of 4 high energy electrons Transfer to NAD+ Forms NADH (similar to NADPH)

Glycolysis Glycolysis can proceed without oxygen If there is oxygen present: Krebs cycle Electron Transport Chain Without oxygen (Anaerobic respiration) Fermentation

Krebs Cycle Also known as the Citric Acid Cycle Takes place in the matrix of the mitochondria Breaks down pyruvic acid into carbon dioxide Produces 2 ATP

Electron Transport Chain Energy carrying molecules (NADH) from glycolysis and the Krebs cycle enter the ETC Occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane Use oxygen Makes 34 ATP molecules Heat, energy (ATP) and water are byproducts

Balanced Equation for Cellular Respiration C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy (ATP)

Cellular Respiration

Fermentation Occurs without oxygen in the cell Anaerobic Releases energy from food and occurs with Glycolysis Two main types: Alcoholic fermentation Lactic acid fermentation

Alcoholic Fermentation Converts pyruvic acid and NADH into NAD+, ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide Pyruvic acid + NADH  alcohol + CO2 + NAD+ In yeast Allows bread to rise

Lactic Acid Fermentation Regenerates NAD+ to continue glycolysis Pyruvic acid + NADH  lactic acid + NAD+ Produced in muscles during prolonged exercise When lack of oxygen, muscles make lactic acid Lactic acid build up in muscles burns

Chart of # of ATP produced during Cellular Respiration Step Total # ATP Produced Glycolysis 2 Krebs Cycle Electron Transport Chain 34 Total 38

MiniQuiz Name the three parts of cellular respiration. Where do they occur? What is needed for cellular respiration to occur? What is released at the end of cellular respiration? Write the balanced equation for cellular respiration. What are the two types of fermentation? When does lactic acid fermentation occur? How are ATP, NADPH and NADH similar?