Confucianism Belief system of the Chinese philosopher Confucius –emphasizes traditional values such as obedience. respect for elders, education, leaders, and the importance of the family!
cultural diffusion Spread of ideas, customs, & technology from one group or region to another culture.
Cultural Revolution Program by Mao Zedong in China (1960’s) against those who opposed the communist government. Mao used the Red Guards (youths) to purge China of anyone who disagreed with his ideas or policies.
Commercial Revolution Changes in the economies of Europe in the Middle Ages – led to a growth of towns, banks, & trade among nations.
consumer goods Tangible economic products used to satisfy the wants & needs of a society.
deforestation Destruction of a forest.
cuneiform Ancient Sumerian form of writing. Characters were formed by pressing a stick into wet clay.
czar Title of the Russian emperor; also spelled tsar.
culture People’s way of life – language, customs, religion, traditions, and institutions.
de-colonization Process by which European colonies in Asia & Africa became independent countries after World War II ended.
containment Policy of the U.S. toward the Soviet Union during the Cold War to prevent the spread of communism in the world.
communism Form of socialism proposed by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels – a “classless” society – supports a common ownership & equal distribution of the products of society; no class struggle & the government will wither away.
constitutional monarchy Government in which the king or queen’s power is limited or defined by the legislature or parliament body.
coup d`etat (French term) – swift overthrow of the government by force or by a small group of people.
conquistadors Spanish explorers who conquered land in the Americas for Spain during the 1500’s & 1600’s.
Economic system where the central authority makes all the production decisions on what & how to produce goods. ie: communist states command economy
crusades Religious wars between Christian Europe & the Muslims for control of the Holy Lands, lasting from 1096 A.D. until 1246 A.D.
collectivization System under communism in which many small farms were combined into large farms owned & operated by the govt. & worked by the peasants; started by Stalin in the late 1920’s.
Cold War Period of tension & hostility between the U.S. & Soviet Union after 1945 because of their different political & economic systems; worldwide struggle without actual fighting between the two powers; “ended” in 1991 with the collapse of the U.S.S.R. (Soviet Union).
codified law Organized and written set of rules or laws.