Nouns A word that names a person, place, animal, thing, or idea/quality/emotion common, proper, concrete, abstract, collective, compound, general, specific count noun, mass noun(uncountable)
Concrete & Abstract Nouns A concrete noun can be common or proper as it names things than can be physically seen, touched, tasted, heard, or smelled. An abstract noun can be common or proper as it names qualities, conditions, actions, or ideas that are not tangible or that cannot be easily perceived through any of the five senses.
Categories of Nouns Count nouns can be counted in numbers and are concrete. Mass (non-count) nouns cannot be counted, often because they are abstract
Count and Non-count Nouns Non-count noun has no plural form Count noun does have a plural form Kinds of non-count nouns: Words that refer to a whole group of things or particles of things (furniture, sugar, coffee, flour, clothing, rice, corn, dirt, salt) Abstract nouns (emotions, feelings, love, luck, anger) See pg. 110 in textbook for more examples
Words before count & non-count nouns Count (how many) Non-count (how much) A, a, one, two, three, four, etc. ---- Each, every Both, a couple of, a few, several, many A little, much No, some, a lot, most, all No, some, a lot, most all
Count vs. Mass Nouns Count Nouns Mass Nouns I would love some coffee. She had many experiences The lights were bright. I found a hair in my soup. Give me three coffees. Mass Nouns I would love some coffee. Put a little sugar in my iced tea. We wrote on a lot of paper.