Second Grade February 11 - 15 Preston Pride Important Dates: Reminders Goals for this week: Math We will count coins and add up the total value. I will discover a variety of ways to represent the same amounts using different coins. Reading We will use routines when working with a book partner. We will use strategies to “hold on” to books when it’s long and complicated. I will work with my partner to check in with and remember my reading. Writing We will write nominations that include specific evidence to support our opinions. I will add quotes to support my opinions. Science We will identify the basic needs of animals. We will understand that animals have specific characteristics and behaviors to help them meet their needs. I will be able to explain the needs of animals including food, water, oxygen and shelter. I will identify characteristics of different animals and figure out what need they meet. Social Studies We will identify contributions of Amelia Earhart, Robert Fulton, and George Washington Carver. I will write a Bio Poem about Amelia Earhart. Word Work We will decode words with oi/oy and ou/ow spelling patterns. I will spell words with oi/oy and ou/ow spelling patterns. Important Dates: February 14th Valentines Exchange February 18th Bad Weather Make-up Day (No School) February 19th – 20th STAAR Simulations – No lunch visitors February 21st PES Family Night – no homework! February 22nd $1 PJ Day (Kids Against Hunger) Follow us on Twitter @HaddenPreston2 @Herbert2ndGrade @MaurerPreston2 @hhaleypreston2 @AMcC2ndPreston Reminders Homework: Read every night for 20 mins. With the weather cooling down, please be sure that your child brings a jacket/coat daily (with his/her name in it)! Please remember to check Tuesday Folders and return them on Wednesday. We are collecting $1 from every student for LOVE week donations! Preston Pride