The Hominids SBI3U Biology
Who are we? A very successful branch of the primate family tree.
A family tree that’s still being worked out... Hominid Phylogeny A family tree that’s still being worked out...
… so many fossils, so many interpretations!!! Hominid Phylogeny … so many fossils, so many interpretations!!!
So, why us? Unlike most organisms, Humans are found everywhere on the planet, in a variety of ecosystems, including desert & arctic. Our species is not the biggest, fastest, or fiercest thing on the planet… But it’s the brainiest & handiest. SNC1D Science
An Apposable Thumb Tool making led to better use of resources, enhanced nutrition & survival, increased fertility & better brain development
A highly developed Brain Planning, Learning, Complex Thought, Memory & Language expanded our species’ use of resources, contributing to our success
And a few other added features: Bipedalism is a human plesiomorphy. Binocular, colour vision is a primate plesiomorphy.
Hominid Evolution… NOT! We have a long history of misunderstanding.
Hominid Evolution… NOT! So let’s try to get a more accurate picture than this!
Australopithecines The first human-like creatures East Africa, Great Rift Valley 4 mya – 1.5 mya for various species Several branches: Robust vs. Gracile Types Gracile gave rise to the genus Homo A. Africanus or A. Afarensis – ancestors? Transition from forest to grassland habitats Primarily herbivorous omnivores Scavenged; more often prey than predator
Homo Habilis The first member of our genus East Africa, Olduvai Gorge 2.5 mya – 1.5 mya “Handy Man” – habilis means ‘able’ A tool user, and a limited tool maker Simple, clunky Core Tools This is progress! Australopithecines didn’t make any, although they may have used objects from nature as tools. Still on the menu for a lot of species!
Homo Habilis
Homo Habilis
Homo Habilis
Homo Ergaster Homo Erectus The first hominids to migrate African populations: H. Ergaster Other populations: H. Erectus 2 mya – 1.5 mya “Upright Man” – at time of discovery, thought to be first to walk bipedally. Wrong! That was much earlier… A better tool maker, although still all Core Type tools Figures out how to use FIRE!
H. Ergaster/Erectus
H. Ergaster/Erectus
H. Ergaster/Erectus
H. Ergaster/Erectus
Homo Heidelbergensis A relative newcomer to the phylogeny Ancestor to two important branches of the Genus Homo: ours and the neanderthal branch Named for location of first fossil discovery 1 mya – 0.5 mya
Homo Heidelbergensis
Homo Neanderthalensis A much-maligned cousin, misunderstood Considered to be their own branch A human that coexisted with our own species Named for location of first fossil discovery 230 kya – 30 kya Ice Age survivors: stocky build, possibly the first to have two new traits: red hair, blue eyes Show signs of culture: burial of dead, Cave Bear Cult, musical instruments Refined tools: Flake tools, not just core
Homo Neanderthalensis
Homo Neanderthalensis
Homo Neanderthalensis
Homo Sapiens That’s us… “Knowing Man” The dominant mammal on the planet today Originate 60 – 140 kya… but where? Prolific tool kit, and ART! Out of Africa model vs. Multiregional Model Largest brain of all hominids: we have a forehead, which means we have a bigger Frontal Lobe in our brain This is the site of our rational thought, self-awareness, learning, personality, morality. We also got a chin along the way
Homo Sapiens
Homo Sapiens
Homo Sapiens
Homo Sapiens