Web Application Development Methodology FR FABRIKAM RESIDENCES Web Application Development Methodology
Traditional Approach SDLC (General) 6 process:- Planning: Eliciting, gathering, schedule Analysis: Complete specifications Design: IAD design Implementation: Construct Testing & Integration Maintenance: Dynamic & reliable * Add a footer
Web Information System SDLC (Web Information System) 6 process:- WDP: Eliciting, gathering, schedule WRE: Complete specifications WAP: IAD design WTI: Construct Publish * Maintenance: Dynamic & reliable * * Web System Operations
Other Approach RAD Agile Scrum Waterfall Add a footer
RAD Phase: req./plan, design, dev., cutover Fast and high quality Based on prototype Add a footer
Agile Phase: req, plan, design, dev., release, track & monitor Requirements to become more able to suit an agile development Short delivery Less restrictive control Add a footer
Scrum Based on agile framework Iterative Incremental methodology Add a footer
Waterfall Step by step process Needs to be completed prior moving on to the next Add a footer