Student’s IEP Meeting Welcome!
A Meeting Agenda START UP Welcome, purpose, roles, introductions Outcomes and Agenda overview Ground Rules PRESENT LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE What is it that the student knows, understands, and is able to do? ANNUAL GOALS AND BENCHMARKS What is it that we want the student to know, understand and be able to do by this time next year? SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES Placement Related Services Accommodations & Testing ENDING Confirm agreements, complete paperwork Debrief Meeting Agenda
A A Desired Outcomes Desired Outcomes To determine present levels of performance. To discuss special education eligibility. To determine goals and services.
A Ground Rules Communicate clearly and listen carefully Respect the views of others Share your views willingly Ask and welcome questions for clarification Be open to the ideas and views presented Honor time limits and stay on task
Strengths A
Challenges A
Annual Goals A Reading Writing Math
Behavior Support Plan A Goal Steps Reinforcer
Special Education Services Placement Services Accommodations
Debrief A +