Faculty targets Gender and BME profile of academics 47% of SL/Reader/Professorial positions to be women (currently 33%) - to match proportion at Lecturer level 15% of SL/Reader/Professorial positions to be BME (currently 11%) - to match proportion at Lecturer level- and in academic and leadership roles (currently 7%) BME profile of PSS staff 12% of PSS staff to be BME (currently 8%) - benchmark for Greater Manchester population
Green-Women Orange- BME
Role of Faculty Working Group Following approval by HPRC, Working Group formed in late 2013 to devise action plan. Comprises Deputy Dean, Head of Faculty HR, the University Athena SWAN Coordinator and School nominees with knowledge and experience in diversity issues “through their responsibilities in their PSS role, their academic research or public engagement activities connected to advancing diversity.” Remit: to use the Athena SWAN Charter type principles and processes used in STEMM areas but to broaden to address BME underrepresentation as well as that of women, and to cover PSS as well as academic staff.