Project launch Transitional Shelter Guidelines Apologies: Bryan Kelly, OIM Tom Corsellis, Shelter Centre
Content History Objectives Launch Next Steps Working groups
1. History History Transitional Shelter Guidelines were first discussed at SM08a by a breakout group who identified the need for such guidance The project is coordinated by Shelter Centre and funded by DFID and engages a wide peer review panel Independent humanitarian specialists Donors UN bodies NGOs The 1st Transitional Shelter Guidelines project booklet was drafted and circulated in July 2008
1. History The Transitional Shelter Guidelines had a wide review panel
1. History The Transitional Shelter Guidelines displayed four types of transitional shelter Type 1: Upgradable Type 2: Reusable Type 3: Resellable Type 4: Recyclable
1. History The Transitional Shelter Guidelines were aimed at stakeholders in transitional shelter programming
1. History The Transitional Shelter Guidelines contained a full draft Table of contents
1. History The Transitional Shelter Guidelines contained a timeline for transitional shelter programming
1. History Activities since July 2008: sought further funding for the project worked to develop Transitional Shelter Standards and Prototypes projects
2. Objectives The project objectives are to: clearly define transitional shelter inform all stakeholders of its uses provide instruction on best practice in implementing a transitional shelter programme as part of a humanitarian response integrate with Transitional Standards and Prototypes projects develop an evaluation method for transitional shelter provide replicable case studies
3. Launch Agreement with IOM An agreement has been made between Shelter Centre and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) to: further develop the Transitional Shelter Guidelines conduct case study evaluations
4. Next steps August – December 2010 STEP1 Form a Working Group and Contact List STEP 2 Agree structure and outline for Guidelines peer review STEP 3 Undertake 1st case study evaluation peer review STEP 4 Draft full Guidelines peer review STEP 5 Undertake further Guidelines peer review
5. Working groups Do you want to be part of the Working Group? We will contact you to: ask if you wish to be kept informed ask if you wish to help outline the project ask if you wish to be involved in peer reviews