Shak Chung Shan Memorial Catholic Primary School What is he doing ? P.1 English
What is he doing ? He is swimming.
What is she doing ? She is dancing.
What is he doing ? He is jumping.
What is she doing ? She is skating.
What is he doing ? He is climbing.
What is she doing ? She is singing.
What is the bird doing ? It is flying.
What is he doing ? He is riding.
Sing a song I can see a rabbit. It is jumping after me. (repeat once) Jumping here, jumping there, Rabbits jump everywhere. (repeat once) jumping dancing swimming riding skating climbing flying
Look at the picture: 1. The man is ( running / skating / flying ).
Look at the picture: 2. Sally is ( flying / dancing / climbing ).
Look at the picture: 3. Betty is ( skating / jumping / swimming ).
Look at the picture: 4. Tom is ( climbing / jumping / writing ).
Look at the picture: 5. They are ( climbing / singing / swimming ).
Sing a song I can see a rabbit. It is jumping after me. (repeat once) Dancing here, dancing there, Rabbits dance everywhere. (repeat once) jumping dancing swimming riding skating climbing flying
Sing a song I can see a rabbit. It is jumping after me. (repeat once) Swimming here, swimming there, Rabbits swim everywhere. (repeat once) jumping dancing swimming riding skating climbing flying
Sing a song I can see a rabbit. It is jumping after me. (repeat once) Riding here, riding there, Rabbits ride everywhere. (repeat once) jumping dancing swimming riding skating climbing flying
Sing a song I can see a rabbit. It is jumping after me. (repeat once) Skating here, skating there, Rabbits skate everywhere. (repeat once) jumping dancing swimming riding skating climbing flying
Sing a song I can see a rabbit. It is jumping after me. (repeat once) Climbing here, climbing there, Rabbits climb everywhere. (repeat once) jumping dancing swimming riding skating climbing flying
Sing a song I can see a rabbit. It is jumping after me. (repeat once) Flying here, flying there, Rabbits fly everywhere. (repeat once) jumping dancing swimming riding skating climbing flying
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