Cold War Thaw Nikita Khrushchev came to power in 1956 He instituted destalinization or a denouncing of Stalin’s purges, encouraging peaceful competition with the capitalist nations
Easing of Cold War Tensions Khrushchev was replaced by Leonid Brezhnev, 1964 The US and USSR promote a period of détente, or lessening of tension involving 1)arms control 2)cultural exchanges 3)trade agreements
Gorbachev in the Soviet Union In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union He instituted two major reforms Perestroika - a restructuring of the failing state-run command economy/free market reforms Glasnost – ‘openness’ – the policy ended censorship and encouraged people to discuss openly the problems in the S.U.
Causes for the Fall of the USSR Leadership of Mikhail Gorbachev Openness to democratic ideas Reshaping of economy and government Economic problems Freedom movement in Eastern Europe
Effects of the Fall of the Soviet Union Formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States Loss of role as world superpower End of the Cold War Economic hardships Conflicts between procommunist and prodemocratic groups Minority revolts and civil conflicts
Russia after the Soviet Union Boris Yeltsin became the first president in 1991 Changing the state run economy to market run was the biggest challenge Businesses and farms were privatized Food shortages and unemployment were persistent problems Vladimir Putin took over in 1999
Russia Under Putin Vladimir Putin took over in 1999 Putin curbed the power or regional leader and exerted control over the Duma Putin’s policies have led to economic growth, but there are big concerns over his suppression of dissent and the future of Russia’s democracy