Moral Argument for God
The Moral Argument from drcraigvideos
Moral argument Premise 1: If A then B Premise 2: A Conclusion: therefore B Premise 1: Every Law has a Law Giver Premise 2: There is a Universal Moral Law Conclusion: There must be Premise 1: Every Premise 2: There is a Universal Moral Law Conclusion: There must be
‘oughtness’ We all intuitively believe that there are a moral ’ughtness’ or ’ought notness’ We can believe in the morally subjective until something personal goes against that belief. Pro-choice advocates claim that it’s up to the mother (morally subjective) but that is wrong (morally objective) that a woman has a right to that choice. Many ’spiritual’ people believe that it is religion is personal (subjective) but that forcing your morality on others is wrong (objective). Extremely liberal campus’ believe that you have the right to express your subjective view, unless that view is considered hateful, prejeduced or some other label according to them (objective)
Associated Press
We don’t follow the law Thought we all know there are moral ought's and ought-nots we don’t follow those things. It is unlike the laws of science in the sense that we can choose not to follow them or not. A rock does not realize the law of gravity applies to and falls. Laws of science talk of how things are while laws of morality talk of how things ought to be.
C.S. Lewis Mere Christianity art from CSLewisDoodle
In other words We all know that there is a moral right and wrong, and that we do not always obey that right or wrong. That moral law must be something outside of us and uncreated by man If it was made by man: It could have been different It could be subjective
C.S. Lewis: Mere Christianity- CSLewisDoodle from YouTube