V12 work needed (some in progress): Magnets Readjustment-rearrangement in the Second Beam Crossing area (Walter) Final Docus Dipoles Readjustment-rearrangement for perfect Spin-Matching and optimize Polarimeter System (Uli,Ken, Pantaleo). Insert Mike-IR in the V12-IP. Add detector solenoid. Add solenoid compensation (Counter-Solenoid, skew and rolled quads etc). These can probably wait until we get the best (or close to the best) solution for the IR quads…
V12 work needed (some in progress): Optimize dynamic aperture and Benchmark tracking codes SAD/MAD/Acceleraticum... (Pavel,Eugene,Ohnishi) Add and optimize Correctors/BPMs (Simone,Martin) Optimize Injection Sections and start looking to the injection_lines-main_rings interferences Spin rotator studies and optimization (Walter) …
Can the design be further improved? - Final Focus Arcs Injection High order optics …
On Jan 15-18, 2010 there has been at a very interesting and useful “Low emittance” workshop at CERN. A lot of presentations and different schemes to get: Low emittances High dynamic apertures A lot of work also shown for Tuning Diagnostic - etc.
I have tried practically ALL the schemes (or some adapted version) for the SuperB, to see if we can get something better. (Not) surprisingly is seems possible to improve the lattice. Among all the ideas a very promising one (for us) comes from max4. Max4 people have proposed to break cells in smaller ones in places where there are no sextupoles. This allows to: Reduce emittance Reduce chromaticity Improve Dynamic Aperture
Break-up of the 3pi Cell
Lattice and Chromaticity for V12 and “Max4_like”
What happens: - Same Emittance - Same Lenght - 3% less synchrotron radiation - Qx’ -74 => -63 Qy’ -40 => -36, sexts much weaker - ddx 7=>1 - Qx’’ and Qy’’ amlost zeroed - Dynamic aperture, transverse +30% energy +50% (at least) - Large R12s much reduced 60 => 10, much loser tolerances and better tunability. - Momentum compaction 14% larger => more stable beams
The 3/2pi cell can be modified as well
All the benefits shown for the 3pi cell mods case are basically doubled. In addition the number of cells becomes multiple of 2*3 and that provides further high order cancellations.
40 sigma_x tracking for +/-1.5% dE/E Arcs Only
Kickers Injection Cell Chromaticity halved in both planes: Qx’ -1.5 Qy’ -0.5 In addition flexibility to change the betas anytime
Conclusions Ongoing List of things to do for V12 Please everybody send us (Marica) more items (with people). Room for relaxing the lattice does exists. HER (and LER) dipoles not ideal for best performances, for both Final Focus and ARCs. However their required modifications are easy and not very expensive. Trade off choices necessary after benefits/effort/cost comparisons. Probably worth to post some “Max4” lattice somewhere for people to work on it.