St Anne’s CE Lydgate Primary School Reception Class 2018/19
Welcome to our school! Meet our staff! Mrs J Fraser – Head Teacher Reception Teacher (SENCO) Miss R Jenkinson Teaching Assistant Mrs Dollman Mrs Heath Miss L Coleman- Assistant Head Teacher (KS1) Miss B Hodgson- Administrator Mrs C Calverley-Smith- Assistant Head Teacher (KS2) Mrs A Dinsdale- Administrator
We tailor our curriculum to cater to your child’s needs and interests. Our Philosophy We want to give all our children a great start in their school journey. We regard all children as individuals with likes, dislikes and many different talents. We tailor our curriculum to cater to your child’s needs and interests. We want your child to be resilient and unafraid of reaching for the stars!
Small steps to achievement and lots of celebration of success. How do we do this ? Through lots of play, encouragement and through forming a good relationship with your child. Learning is enjoyable. Learning has a purpose. Small steps to achievement and lots of celebration of success. Ensuring your child is happy and feels liked and valued in our classroom.
The Foundation Stage Curriculum The Characteristics of Effective Learning describe and highlight the ways in which children learn. Within our classroom there will be ‘Achievasaurs’ (dinosaurs) which will help the children use these characteristics in their learning. The three key characteristics of effective learning are: Playing and Exploring Active Learning Creating and Thinking Critically
If you make mistakes then you LEARN! Growth Mindset Our Ethos Across the whole curriculum we actively encourage the children to make mistakes and show us their mistakes so we can move their learning forward. Please support us with this at home in order to build up determination and resilience in your child! If you make mistakes then you LEARN! ‘Work at it Whiz’ is awarded for children who are showing determination, persistence and resilience!
Transition Days We usually split the new class into Group A and Group B so we can spend time in smaller groups. This is so we can ensure the children feel safe and settled in class and are happy to come in September. Please drop off and collect from the main entrance (Cedar Lane) Day 1: Group A attend in the morning (with dinner) and Group B in the afternoon. Day 2: Group B attend in the morning (with dinner) and Group A in the afternoon.
Starting Dates In September, we usually split the new class into Group A and Group B. Please drop off and collect from the class door- the door will open at 8.45 Day 1: Group A attend in the morning (with dinner) and Group B in the afternoon. Day 2: Group B attend in the morning (with dinner) and Group A in the afternoon. Day 3: All attend all day.
Our First Day We have an open door policy from 8.45-9 in Reception. Parents are invited into class to settle their child and see the environment. Staff will be available for any quick questions daily. Staff will spend time getting to know your child’s strengths and interests. We will focus on routines and how to use the continuous provision areas. Staff will develop relationships with the children- this is crucial for happy, settled learners!
The Reception Class Please let the office know if you require access to the disabled parking space. Please be respectful when parking – please don’t park over neighbour’s drives or on the zig zag lines. Please let us know if anyone different is collecting your child from school.
Clothes Please label everything and work on independence!!!!! Indoor and outdoor- waterproofs Velcro shoes are much easier for the children to fasten rather than lace ups. Please ALWAYS bring a coat- British weather! Wellies and PE Kit (may not wear this right away- sent home ½ termly for a wash- PLEASE return after a holiday!) earrings We may get messy but we are having lots of FUN and LEARNING!
Uniform If you wish to purchase a school cardigan or sweatshirt please complete the order form in your pack or you can purchase uniform from Saddleworth Sports and waterproofs from Pause a Second. Book bags and coats will be needed everyday in school.
The Reception Class Milk and water are the only drinks offered in Reception as we are a Healthy School. Every child will need a water bottle. We are provided with fruit daily from the National Fruit Scheme funded by the Government. If any of your children have allergies please let the staff know. We encourage all children to try fruit, it’s amazing by the end of the year what they will eat!
Dinner Time Please help your children use knives and forks instead of using their fingers. From September 2014 children in Reception and KS1 are now entitled to a ‘Universal Free School Meal.’ If you wish to change from packed lunches the office need 2 weeks notice in writing. We are a cashless school and use ‘Parent pay’ please pay in advance for B and A club. Between 11.45-12.00- Reception staff stay in with the children to settle and support them with dinnertimes. Every child will have a ‘buddy’ from Year 5 during dinnertime to help and support them with getting their dinner. At school we offer many extra curricular clubs for your child to become involved with.
Working in Partnership with you It is really important your child is on time into school. Learning starts immediately! Celebration assembly is on a Friday morning- children who have worked well that week receive certificates. Please do not book holidays or any appointments during school time- there is so much learning that is missed! If there are any things you need to contact us about please email- Absence Procedure- if your child is poorly please ring the office by 9.15 daily (for the duration of the illness.) Home learning- Mathletics, Rocket Words, Reading books Please inform the office if your contact details change. Check our website regularly for our class blog and any school information.
Updates on Teaching and Learning Throughout the year PLEASE attend any parent workshops! We listen to what parents want and they are really useful in supporting your child through school. We will hold a Reading, Writing, Phonics and Maths workshop in the first 6 weeks of term- reading books will be given out after the meeting. Baseline shared at parents evening with areas of strength and areas you could support your child at home. Weekly newsletters are sent by email to parents informing them of any up coming events or school news. We have two parents’ evenings which are held in October (we talk about how your child has settled in the reception class.) The second is in February where we look at end of year targets and what you can work on with your child at home. Interim report December/Easter
Parent Links and Involvement We want to build upon the good work that you have started and to work in partnership with you; to give your child the best start to their education and the best life chances. We value any parent contributions! We have a ‘Parent Board’ for you to share your child’s work and achievements at home!
Raise funds for resources, equipment etc for your children! PTA All parents are welcome to join the PTA/ Parent and Teacher Association. Make a difference to your child’s learning and give something back to the school! (Outdoor equipment) Raise funds for resources, equipment etc for your children!
We look forward to working with you What we need from you! Support the school’s aims. Sign Home/School Agreement Support our school rules, Policies and procedures. Ensure your child arrives on time, ready for the day ahead. Take an active part in the extended life of the school by supporting our events. Practise ‘I can targets,’ reading books, rocket words and Mathletics at home regularly. 2Simple reply and comment- Parent Board Tell us straight away if you have any worries or concerns. We believe that good communication is the secret to an effective relationship. We look forward to working with you and your child!
Things you can do to help! Is your child Reception Ready? Please decide which name you wish your child to write e.g. Sam or Samuel and let staff know, work on name writing over summer. Please also practise writing, recognising, counting and ordering numbers to 10 and beyond to 20. Encourage the children to mark make and write using, pencils, felt tips writing in sand, paint, shaving foam etc- really work on pencil grip. Read traditional stories lots! Work on speaking and listening skills, eye spy, turn taking with speaking etc
Things you can do to help! Is your child Reception Ready? Please take a Reception Ready poster! Take turns and share with others. Use good manners- they are so important! Growth Mindset- have a go, challenge themselves and make mistakes, we learn from them! MOST IMPORTANTLY- HAVE FUN! Toileting Independence- flushing and washing hands thoroughly Practise singing Nursery Rhymes Get your child outdoors!
Toto the Turtle!
Some things to think about…
Thank you for coming Enjoy the rest of your time this evening at St Anne’s CE Primary School.