Load Research Project Review of Processes for Round 2 Sampling Presented by ERCOT Staff To the Profiling Working Group Meeting On April 24, 2007
LRS Topics to Review VEE Standards Sample Point Replacement Rules and Process Oil/Gas Issues TDSP.csv Record Format Details of transactions sent by the TDSP FTP Replacement Software Primary ERCOT Contacts Final Comments Questions?
VEE Standards ERCOT suggests continuing the use of current IDR standards Avoid confusion with multiple standards Consistency across TDSPs Minimize the multiplication of errors when sample data is extrapolated to the population Facilitates ERCOT validation upon receipt of data. The link to the VEE standards is click on Uniform Business Practices for Unbundled Electricity Metering, Volume 2 - Published 12/05/00. Exemptions as specified in Protocols, Section TDSP Polled Settlement Meters.
Sample Point Replacement Rules A sample point should be replaced for any of the following reasons: Unsafe conditions/vicious animals (Initially or subsequently as a result of a change) Demolition / service removed / ESIID switches to Inactive status Customer refusal (permission requested only if necessary for access) Equipment / installation issues De-energized 12 months at time of selection De-energized 6 consecutive months after installation Incorrect weather zone (identified after sample selection) Premise switches to BUSIDRRQ Premise has competitively owned NIDR meter Note: The above list is not meant to be all inclusive. For Round 2, a change in the voltage level no longer triggers a replacement.
Oil/Gas Issues ERCOT has screened the sample list to eliminate known oil/gas locations however others most certainly exist. If an oil/gas point is found during the installation process, then do not install an IDR and go to a replacement sample point. Be sure to indicate on the reason for replacement that the point was determined to be an oil/gas point. If a sample point is switched to BUSOGFLT profile type, then the point must be replaced.
Replacement Point Process Use the following process to replace a sample point: Submit Remove Recorder (TD05) and a Stop (terminate) Sample Point (LP01) transactions using the TDSP.csv record format for the sample point being replaced. Be sure to include the reason for termination in the LP01. Of course, the TD05 does not need to be sent if no recorder was installed. Select the replacement sample point IN ORDER from the list (i.e. do not skip sample points because another one down the list is more convenient) Submit an Install Recorder (TD02) transaction using the TDSP.csv record format for the recorder installed at the replacement point If no replacement samples are available, please call or send to the Load Profile Group at ERCOT.
TDSP.csv Record Format
Transaction Details – TD02 TD02 – Install IDR Required Fields in CSV file definition: Operation Code = Field 3 ESIID = Field 4 Recorder ID (RECID) = Field 5 Sender = Field 6 (2 = TDSP) IDR Installation Date = Field 12 (CCYYMMDD) TDSP = Field 19 (MRE Code, Must be 3 characters in length) Effective Date = Field 21 (CCYYMMDD),,TD02,ESIID,RECID,2,,,,,, ,,,,,,,065,,
Transaction Details – TD05 TD05 – Remove IDR from Stop Sample Point Required Fields in CSV file definition: Operation Code = Field 3 ESIID = Field 4 Recorder ID (RECID) = Field 5 Sender = Field 6 (2 = TDSP) IDR Removal Date = Field 13 (CCYYMMDD) TDSP = Field 19 (MRE Code, Must be 3 characters in length) Effective Date = Field 21 (CCYYMMDD),,TD05,ESIID,RECID,2,,,,,,, ,,,,,,065,,
Transaction Details – LP01 LP01 - Stop Sample Point Participation In Sample Required Fields in CSV file definition: Sample Designation = Field 1 Operation Code = Field 3 ESIID = Field 4 Sender = Field 6 (2 = TDSP) Sample Point Termination Date = Field 10 (CCYYMMDD) Reason for Sample Point Termination = Field 11 TDSP = Field 19 (MRE Code, Must be 3 characters in length) Effective Date = Field 21 (CCYYMMDD) RESLO04,,LP01,ESIID,,1,,,, ,Reason for Sample Pt termination in Sample,,,,,,,,065,,
FTP Replacement Software The FTP Replacement Software - HTTPS protocol: provides a client-server based approach to allow TDSPs to send and receive files to/from the ERCOT server is defined as a PUSH/PULL protocol similar to FTP. The client scripts are used to push and pull data files and reports uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer 128-bit encryption) to provide secure communications between the TDSP and ERCOT so encryption of data from the TDSPs will not be required The FTP Replacement scripts SEND and RECEIVEALL are used by the TDSPs to communicate with the ERCOT server.
Send Data to ERCOT – SEND Command The SEND command is used to upload transaction and.LS (interval data cut) files from the TDSP to the TDSPs mailbox on the ERCOT server. An upload is considered complete (successful) when the ERCOT server responds to the SEND with a positive delivery Application Acknowledgement indicating a successful status. An example of a SEND script is as follows: MPCS SEND -FR lr -TO L -UID lr -PWD Lr ! -DIR C:\ERCOTFILES\OUT -ARC C:\ERCOTFILES\ARCHIVE -REJ C:\ERCOTFILES\REJECT -URL -LOG C:\ERCOTFILES\LOG\MPCSOutboundLOG.TXT
RECEIVEALL data from ERCOT – RECEIVEALL Command The RECEIVEALL command is used to download files to the TDSP from the TDSPs mailbox on the ERCOT server. Retrieved files are stored in the Market Participants directory specified by the user in a command line parameter called –DIR. An example of a RECEIVEALL script is as follows: MPCS RECEIVEALL -FR lr -TO L -UID lr -PWD Lr ! -DIR C:\ERCOTFILES\IN -ARC C:\ERCOTFILES\ARCHIVE -REJ C:\ERCOTFILES\REJECT -URL -LOG C:\ERCOTFILES\LOG\MPCSInboundLOG.TXT
Primary ERCOT Contacts Each TDSP should call or their primary ERCOT contact if they have any questions regarding sample point transactions. Contact the ERCOT Help Desk with FTP Replacement related questions. CenterPointDiana TXU EDRon Hernandez TNMP, Sharyland, Nueces EC Adrian Marquez AEPBill
Final Comments A copy of the TDSP_CSV Operations Guide 1.4 has been posted under Key Documents for this meeting Call or your primary ERCOT contact with questions regarding sample point transactions Contact the ERCOT Help Desk with FTP Replacement related questions.
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