Policy as a powerful lever for elevating outcomes: a national & state perspective Dr. cory murphy & Dr. luann purcell.


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Presentation transcript:

Policy as a powerful lever for elevating outcomes: a national & state perspective Dr. cory murphy & Dr. luann purcell

Session Goals Learn about: Revising of state level policies in teacher and leader preparation Leveraging national associations to inform state policy Using program review & teacher observation to influence student outcomes Policy as a lever within multiple contexts

Question In your role, how can you contribute to policy change and what kind of data can you bring to the table?

State Perspective

To create a world-class educational system that gives students the knowledge and skills to be successful in college and the workforce, and to flourish as parents and citizens MS VISION To provide leadership through the development of policy and accountability systems so that all students are prepared to compete in the global community MS Mission

MISSISSIPPI STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS All Students Proficient and Showing Growth in All Assessed Areas 1 Every Student Graduates from High School and is Ready for College and Career 2 Every Child Has Access to a High- Quality Early Childhood Program 3 Every School Has Effective Teachers and Leaders 4 Every Community Effectively Uses a World-Class Data System to Improve Student Outcomes 5 Every School and District is Rated “C” or Higher 6

Teaching and Leading Solutions Group (CEEDAR MS TEAM) Analyze current structure and identify gaps in efforts to encourage and strengthen partnerships between the State Education Agency (SEA), Institution of Higher Education (IHE), and Local Education Agency (LEA) and implement strategies to address these gaps that will aid in the recruiting, preparing, licensing, supporting, and retaining of effective teachers and leaders to ultimately, positively impact the success of ALL learners.

Objective Areas Strategic communication Recruitment and Retention Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Practice Inclusive Practices and Leadership Licensure

Changing Policy- The Why and How State Department Role in Changing Policy Impetus Align with State Vision and Initiatives Respond to Stakeholders Change in State/District Needs Steps to Change in MS Draft changes with multiple stakeholder feedback, often Task Force Pilot when appropriate State Board of Education for approval

Policy Focus – Teacher Licensure Intern License Allows all EPP candidates license Ethics exam Background check/fingerprinting Considerations: Draft Induction License, currently in pilot

Policy Focus - Licensure Special Education Director’s License Researched other state/national data Survey of current special education directors and other administrators Task force to develop criteria Stakeholder review

Policy Focus- Teacher Observation Teacher observation- special education teachers Participate in national topical action group Gather data/research nationally Task force to review current observation criteria and embed High Leverage Practices

Policy Focus - Program Review New program review policy Includes use of Culturally Responsive Practices Includes opportunities for practice with diverse student populations Revision of Preparation program requirements for Educational Leadership All programs offering principal preparation participate Draft program requirements align with NELP/PSEL and inclusive leadership Common performance assessments

Vision Strategy Execute

Group discussion Within your state, what challenge(s)/barrier(s) or successes have you encountered that have helped or hindered you from moving your state’s vision from ideation to policy implementation?

Leading By Convening Take Advantage of your State Level affiliates for your stakeholder groups Use the proven method of sustainable action through Leading by Convening

Everyone is a Leader! Everyone is a Learner! Brand New Modules which can be used by leaders at all levels and positions in a system or organization! The leadership strategy operationalized in LbC requires leaders, regardless of title, accept the value of bringing groups with authority and groups with influence together in a shared leadership strategy. This leadership style supports authentic stakeholder engagement!

At the National Level : Significantly Disproportionate (SD) A Common Issue: SD Voices heard at Board of Directors Meeting Continued discussion at Member Conference Discussion with OSERS/OSEP Discussion with State Data Managers Discussions with IDEA Data Center Creation of Ad Hoc Committee Local and State Directors, district level and state level data personnel, legal/policy wonks, IHE, and other ed associations

Progress… Set Back in Leadership New Chair Continued Discussion Deadline Court Case finding Learning, adjusting, learning Everyone a leader IDEA DATA Center Moving forward to be ready at the next level… Leading, Learning, Adjusting, repeat!

Levels of Participation   Key Participants Key Advisors Extended Partners Feedback Network Core Team Dissemination Web Communication Linkers Convene the group. Take responsibility for structuring each convening and follow up. Plan and monitor interaction. Create engagement strategies. Organize activities. Communicate with decision makers. Oversee review and evaluation. Act as regular contacts for information on the issue. Give advice and help the core team sense issues and adapt activities in a variety of contexts. Make opportunities for the work to be reviewed within their personal networks. Bring their personal network information back into the work of the Core group. Promote the cross-stakeholder approach to problem identification and problem solving. Join the core team periodically when their expertise is needed Volunteer to become involved and represent the perspective of their organization and/or network. Bring the perspective of their role and/or organization into the work. Bring important learnings back to their networks. Identify opportunities within their networks to showcase the learning. Hold both their organizational identity and the group identity while interacting with the group. Identify other practitioners and family members who may become active Receive information. Redistribute information through newsletters, news blasts, meetings, etc. Submit information from newsletters, news blasts, meetings, etc. Customize messages for their particular audience.

Levels of Participation   Key Participants Key Advisors Extended Partners Feedback Network Core Team Dissemination Web Communication Linkers

Engaging Everybody: Circles of Influence Activity

Closing connections Take 5 minutes and write down: What is important to share with my team that helps my context, lessons learned or things to avoid? Take 5 minutes and think about networking. Who should I connect with later/when and on what should I follow up?

Council of Administrators of Special Education, Inc Dr. Luann L. Purcell Executive Director Council of Administrators of Special Education, Inc lpurcell@casecec.org Dr. Cory Murphy Executive Director Office of Teaching & Leading cmurphy@mdek12.org