SPONSORSHIP 4th UAE-France Oil & Gas Connecting Days 1st & 2nd April 2019 Abu Dhabi - UAE In partnership with : Your CONTACTS Helene daniel, fbg Romain provost, EVOLEN SIDI ACHOUCHI, BUSINESS FRANCE DATE : 26/02/2018
Context Following the success of the 2015, 2017 & 2018’s editions, the French Emirian chamber of commerce of Abu Dhabi (FRENCH BUSINESS GROUP) is joining EVOLEN and BUSINESS FRANCE to organize, upon Abu Dhabi National Oil Company’s (ADNOC) request, two-days of discovery and discussion with French innovative companies from the Oil & Gas industry. In presence also of Mubadala Petroleum, Masdar & NPCC. Purpose : To highlight French talent for innovation within the Oil & Gas sector. To heighten awareness about French technologies capable of accompanying ADNOC with its reorganization plan considering the global energy context. This UAE France Oil & Gas Connecting Days consists in two-days of meetings articulated around : A Symposium, on the 1st of April 2019 : will be held at the Sofitel Corniche, Abu Dhabi. Program : Presentation of ADNOC and its subsidiaries (ADNOC Gas Processing – GASCO). Description of their needs and their registration process for a new supplier ; Presentation of the VAT Committee (TBC); Presentation of In Country Value (TBC) ; Presentation of the French companies’ technologies and innovation for Downstream. The Emphasis will be put on digital solutions for process automation, process optimization and Artificial Intelligence ; BtoB meeting between French companies and ADNOC-GASCO representatives. A Forum, on the 2nd of April 2019 : will be held at Ruwais Industrial Complex, Al Ruwais, Abu Dhabi. Meetings between ADNOC Gas Processing Operations and Technical managers and the engineers of French suppliers followed by a visit of the Industrial Complex
Visibility offer Become one of the official sponsors of the UAE FRANCE Oil & Gas Connecting Days Number of attendees expected : about 120 Institutionnal support : His Excellency Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, CEO of ADNOC ; Dr. Saif Sultan Al Nasseri, Oil and Gas Subcommittee Chair of UAE-France Strategic Business Dialogue ; Mr. Abdulaziz Abdulla Alhajri, Director, Downstream Directorate of ADNOC ; His Excellency Hussain Al Nowais, Chairman of National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC) His Excellency Dr. Bakheet Al Katheeri, Chief Executive Officer de Mubadala Petroleum His Excellency Ludovic Pouille, Ambassador of France to the United Arab Emirates. Among your benefits : Consolidate your image and reputation with ADNOC and their subsidiaries ; Associate your brand to the theme of the event and technical presentations ; Speak directly to the executives and the managers of ADNOC and their partners such as Mudabala Petroleum ; Take advantage of the media coverage of this event. Among the audience : Buyers ; Executives ; Operations, Maintenance and Technical Managers.
Sponshorship offer GOLD : 9 000 € SILVER : 6 000 € x A time slot of 10 to 15 mins during the Opening ceremony x A detailed presentation/advertising page inside the catalogue distributed to all participants. Announce and acknowledgement all along the symposium (and during the speech of the Ambassador of France to the UAE). Announce and acknowledgment during coffee and lunch breaks. Your logo inserted on : The invitation sent by email to the participants ; The events’ program ; The front cover of the catalogue distributed to the audience ; The acknowledgment emails sent to participants after the event ; The main displayed screen used for presentations ; The USB driver given to the participants ; The lanyard distributed to the participants. Your roll up with your logo installed within areas of the events : inside the lobbies and next to the ballrooms entrance doors. Your roll up with your logo installed within areas reserved for catering during coffee and lunch breaks. Option to place promotional material on shared literature tables. Your brochure electronically inserted on the USB driver offered to the participants. 3 seats included to attend the “UAE FRANCE Oil & Gas Connecting Days”. 2 seats included to attend the “UAE FRANCE Oil & Gas Connecting Days”.
Contacts Contacts Helene Daniel - FBG - Director director@fbgabudhabi.com Romain Provost - Evolen - General Delegate Middle East & Renewables r.provost@evolen.org Sidi Achouchi - Business France Dubai - Head of Department Industries & Cleantech sidi.achouchi@businessfrance.fr