Spinal drop-in service Lisa Corbett and Janet Whitaker Spinal Extended Scope Physiotherapists
What is the service for? Adults over age of 18. Recent onset spinal pain which is not resolving after 2 weeks of self-help & appropriate medication from the GP.
What does the service provide? Advice on self management of spinal pain Assessment and management ( if required)of spinal pain Screening for potential serious causes Physiotherapy treatment/ rehabilitation Referral for investigations ( if appropriate) Onward referral to other services (if required).
What can the service not provide? Medication. Acupuncture ( new NICE guidelines do not recommend this).
What happens at SDI? On arrival patients are asked to complete personal details and screening questionnaires. Triaged by clinician, prioritised and appointment booked. We try to match with appropriate grade of staff. Assessment, advice, reassurance, exercise instruction. If necessary follow up appointment booked or may be placed on ‘choice’.
NICE guidelines for low back pain https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng59/ifp/ chapter/Low-back-pain-and-sciatica-the- care-you-should-expect
Screening Red flags Biopsychosocial issues STarTback questionaire to ensure patient on the correct pathway – LOW/MED/HIGH.
First line management www.elht.nhs.uk, click on Department Wards & Service. Search under ‘M’ for Integrated Musculoskeletal Service/MSK/Spinal Drop-in. Or click on this link: spinal-drop-in-clinic for further advice/invite. Or alternatively enter ‘ELHT Spinal Drop In 'into Google Leaflets/ back book
Future plans Service currently under review. Service under pressure Looking at more flexibility with appointments How would you like to receive information?