4 Passing Sights An old man A sick man A dying man An Ascetic The young Prince left the palace to see the world. On his journey out of the walls of the palace, this is what he saw… An old man A sick man A dying man An Ascetic An ascetic is defined as someone who has devoted his life’s work to find the cause of human suffering and eliminate it.
Great Enlightenment Siddhartha decided to mediate under a fig tree, or the Bodhi Tree. He understood the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth—He had achieved Enlightenment, or a state of perfect peace. He then becomes known as the Buddha, or Enlightened one.
The Middle Way The Buddha advised that all need to walk the “Middle Path” by not going to extremes of pleasure or self-denial. Buddha describes it as “Keeping the body in good health to keep our minds strong and clear.”
The Four Noble Truths All life includes suffering Suffering is caused by wanting or desiring things that one does not have Suffering can be ended The way to overcome selfish desires is to follow the 8-Fold Path
8 Fold Path
A state of blissful peace without desire or suffering Reaching Nirvana A state of blissful peace without desire or suffering
Quotes of Buddha It’s your turn to research the Buddha! You are going to do a Google Search of “Quotes of Buddha” and read through many of his wise sayings. Find one that speaks to you, and write it in the speech bubble on your worksheet!